High Norepinepherine & Erectile Dysfunction

griffinannie said:
Can high nor-ep cause chronic ED ? If so , how? What can be done?

High norepinephrine levels (or relatively high norepinephrine levels compared to the other neurotransmitters) can cause erectile dysfunction (chronic or otherwise).

Norepinephrine is the primary signal in the brain for stress. It is a excitatory neurotransmitter. It keeps a person awake. It can help improve attention. It causes an increase in ACTH production, which then drives adrenal hormone production. A spike of norepinephrine triggers orgasm/ejaculation in men. Norepinephrine is the primary chemical messenger of the sympathetic nervous system (the system that responds to fight-or-flight, stressful situations).

When a person has chronically high norepinephrine, it can cause anxiety or irritability. It can eventually cause adrenal depletion, fatigue, or frank adrenal insufficiency. This can then lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction.

To keep norepinephrine levels high, the brain may have to lower the production of dopamine, which can lead to loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. Lowered dopamine production, itself, can reduce testosterone production (though high norepinephrine can raise it - causing a wash if the balance is maintained). Lower testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction. Lowered testosterone production can lead to insulin resistance and further metabolic cascades that can cause erectilve dysfunction and lack of libido.

Chronically high norepinephrine production in the absence of other neurotransmitter, hormone, cytokine problems, can lead to premature ejaculation - since it doesn't take much to get a higher norepinephrine spike to trigger ejaculation.

Chronically high norepinephrine can raise blood pressure. This leads to long-term consequences, including renal dysfunction and erectile dysfunction.

What can be done is to either directly address the high norepinephrine production (e.g. with a serotonergic, anxiolytic, mood stabilizing, beta-blocking medication or others), or treat the consequences - such as adrenal fatigue (where the higher cortisol levels from treatment can help reduce via a feedback loop in the brain to lower CRH production, to lower norepinephrine levels), or treat the underlying cause of higher norepinephrine levels (which can include psychological stress, trauma, mental illness, thyroid dysfunction, hypogonadism, insulin resistance, infection or other chronic physical illness, etc.). In a way, a global treatment once assessment occurs, needs to be done. I usually don't see a single substance (drug, hormone, or nutrient, or even herb) working. There are many entrypoints to dysfunction when a single hormone/neurotransmitter is out of whack in function. What I usually see are multiple hormone/neurotransmitter/cytokine problems as a consequence.
marianco said:
What can be done is to either directly address the high norepinephrine production (e.g. with a serotonergic, anxiolytic, mood stabilizing, beta-blocking medication or others.

Is there one medicine of choice (or combo) for PE caused by high NE?
Norepineprine can't be faulted by itself. You must know where the other neurotransmitter levels are: dopamine, serotonin, epineprine, GABA etc and look at the balance of the whole picture.
High norepinephrine levels (or relatively high norepinephrine levels compared to the other neurotransmitters) can cause erectile dysfunction (chronic or otherwise).

Norepinephrine is the primary signal in the brain for stress. It is a excitatory neurotransmitter. It keeps a person awake. It can help improve attention. It causes an increase in ACTH production, which then drives adrenal hormone production. A spike of norepinephrine triggers orgasm/ejaculation in men. Norepinephrine is the primary chemical messenger of the sympathetic nervous system (the system that responds to fight-or-flight, stressful situations).

When a person has chronically high norepinephrine, it can cause anxiety or irritability. It can eventually cause adrenal depletion, fatigue, or frank adrenal insufficiency. This can then lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction.

To keep norepinephrine levels high, the brain may have to lower the production of dopamine, which can lead to loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. Lowered dopamine production, itself, can reduce testosterone production (though high norepinephrine can raise it - causing a wash if the balance is maintained). Lower testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction. Lowered testosterone production can lead to insulin resistance and further metabolic cascades that can cause erectilve dysfunction and lack of libido.

Chronically high norepinephrine production in the absence of other neurotransmitter, hormone, cytokine problems, can lead to premature ejaculation - since it doesn't take much to get a higher norepinephrine spike to trigger ejaculation.

Chronically high norepinephrine can raise blood pressure. This leads to long-term consequences, including renal dysfunction and erectile dysfunction.

What can be done is to either directly address the high norepinephrine production (e.g. with a serotonergic, anxiolytic, mood stabilizing, beta-blocking medication or others), or treat the consequences - such as adrenal fatigue (where the higher cortisol levels from treatment can help reduce via a feedback loop in the brain to lower CRH production, to lower norepinephrine levels), or treat the underlying cause of higher norepinephrine levels (which can include psychological stress, trauma, mental illness, thyroid dysfunction, hypogonadism, insulin resistance, infection or other chronic physical illness, etc.). In a way, a global treatment once assessment occurs, needs to be done. I usually don't see a single substance (drug, hormone, or nutrient, or even herb) working. There are many entrypoints to dysfunction when a single hormone/neurotransmitter is out of whack in function. What I usually see are multiple hormone/neurotransmitter/cytokine problems as a consequence.

any ideas to root cause?

Is it mostly the thyroid failing that sparks the circle, or have you met anyone that's simply born with high norepinephrine production and thus burn out everything else in the long run?
How do you know you have high norepinephrine??

High norepinephrine means basically a very low level of health - libido is not even an issue here. Offcourse we are talking about plasma levels of norepinephrine, i am not sure about the effect of different levels of NE in various brain regions, and whether they correctly correlate with plasma levels- i doubt that to some extend

How many times am i supposed to pass on my story?? High norepinephrine send me to the morgue allmost.

I agree 100% with Marianco, to get a neurotransmitter out of whack you must have other problems with cytokines/neurotransmitters as well.

My story started after i took finasteride, i got low libido, ED, semen and prostate problems.

To battle this i started training like a madman. I would lift for hours a day and next day play 4-5 hours bball.

Within 2 years i regained 75% of my erectile problems and penile size, but i wanted more. I continued trainining like 5-6 hours a day, incorporating bicycling 30 km per day (including uphills) at a deadly pace and swimming and more and more lifting, power or explosive squatting and plyometrics.

Soon i faced the first overtraining period of my life. I had to stay in bed 6 straight weeks and 6 more weeks away from any sports to recover. Overtraining is not fun, you eat like a dog and feel so tired, your pulse is out of whack, you walk and in 2 minutes you feel dead tired, you cant stand still you feel like dropping down, your legs are like 50kilograms each and you cant carry them along its a complete misery (or thats what i thought untill i met with adrenal fatigue)

Soon after recovering i decided i had to do more-thinkin i was weak for this to happend to me- and adapt to a higher level of training and harder lifestyle. I would do squats and plyometrics and work in a restaurant more than the previous 2-3 days a week and stay out at night and not care about my body at all. I wanted to punish it.

Drinking coffees, beating my self in the gym and in bball court and not resting after work, i ended up with the second bout of overtraining which soon ended up in adrenal fatigue.

At testing my norepniphrine levels they were found like 10 times normal while standing. Docs thought how could i be alive??? They thought i was under extreme stress and it was sooo true. I couldnt basically get out of bed for 8 straight months. Just stayed there, was fed in bed, and all i did was watch tv with brightness of 10% normal since any little stress would drive me nuts. Bright lights, noises, carbohydrates, so many things affecting me. My whole autonomous nervous system was out of whack, i started developing infections, fungi all over my body, etc etc and to battle the leg soreness (heavy leg feeling) i had to take ice baths for 6 straight months day after day.

Finally i started to get a bit better after being hospitalized and with the use of valium, and complete change of my diet. (that was at around month 8 or 9) Then i started taking isocort/ hydrocortisone and so on because i wanted to prove doctors wrong about my state. I was looking at the end result back then (being adrenal dysfunction- instead of the route problem >> high noradrenaline.low testo and cytokines messed up) I dont know if i could have ever corrected all this if i totally trusted doctors who prescribed SSRIs.. Who knows???

I have made many mistakes, and found very very very few people to help me correct them. Actually noone did i think, thats why i ended up worse. I could have recovered completely but this loooong period of relentless pain and stress made me think incovrrectly and in the end being eager i jumped into wrong solutions. Probably some good long lasting diet and life style change along with some diazepam or some other substance could have helped me recover properly but i think that now i look back and thing everything is so easy but its not.

I tottally agree with Marianco, there could not be one simple substance that can help you lower noradrenaline ( i have tried more than 20 different supplements in combinations and didnt succeed)

You need a very thorough investigation to see whats wrong with your body, total available neurotransmitter testing, hormones and cytokines (if you can test for them) to evaluate properly whats going on. Unless you know exactly how and what messed you up initially, if this is straightforward then you can pretty much be helped. But if you have complicated issues like overtraining/autonomic dysfunction/immune and adrenal issues then GOD help!!
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Norepinephrine is also a vasoconstrictor, that means not enough vasodilatation in the erectile tissue. That's why some beta1agonist drugs as ephedrine can cause it. What r u using now? and how can u say that it's high norepinephrine?
Yes i know about a medicine. Its Levitra

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I can tell you that when I take too much Adderall (amphetamine), the NE spike is so bad it can trigger anything to a partial to full ejaculation without even thinking about sex......
When I was in college I had a friend with benefits and she told me her boy friend could not get it up if he took Ephedrine products. He used to work at a bar and he would take those pills the gas stations used to carry to stay a wake. Needless to say I helped her out with that problem right before she went off to see her boy friend!!!! So yes I have heard of it before. So if your adrenal system is pumping out too much of it then it could do the same thing as taking too much Ephedrine ! I know when my Doctor first put me on high blood pressure medicine the first medicine he put me on if I had so much as a single beer it shut down my ability to get an errection. Needless to say that medication was changed in less then 2 weeks time! Even though I am married now me and the wife love a healthy sex life and we both like to have a drink or two at random.

If itis natural problem you need to look into biofeedback and look at diet becasue stress raise's your epi levels!
I know about a medicine which is used for treatment of ED . It helps to increase stamina. Levitra is a best drug for sexual health. Please consult with your doctor before take this medicine levitra. You can also order Levitra online also.
NE is a potent vasoconstrictor, so yes. Alpha1 antagonists systemically block the action of NE at the presynaptic neuron at smooth vascular muscle and PDE5 inhibitors help maintain the action of nitric oxide, a potent vasodialator, in the penis.

Hytrin (Terazosin Hcl) Drug Information: Uses, Side Effects, Drug Interactions and Warnings at RxList
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDE5_inhibitor"]PDE5 inhibitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Sildenafil.png" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Sildenafil.png/220px-Sildenafil.png"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/f/ff/Sildenafil.png/220px-Sildenafil.png[/ame]

Can high nor-ep cause chronic ED ? If so , how? What can be done?
My point was that if it is a natural stress respnce you need to get it under control. ED drugs will only be a band aid fix it doesnot stop the root of the problems from causeing more damage. I workedin a pressure cooker environment where guys routinely where carried out by EMT's and the ladies had hair loss issues. Most everyone their had one of the following : high blood pressure,ereticle dysfuntion, nervious bladder, skin conditions, hair loss, heart attacks and or nervious break dones. The ones that survived that place where like me and knew how to use beer and wild sex to self medicate......You need to to get dopamine levels up, block cortsiol and get your stress responce under control. All of the people that did well at that place drank,smoked pot and had wild c4razy sex on a daily basis........many would have been considered sex addictics or alcholahics etc.......Once removed fromthe stress though almost everyone went back to being normal people that seldom drank or engaugedin high risk sex etc......

I am not saying one should do what me and about 50 0ther's out 1500 people did but we all came out the other side healthy while many faded away rather quickly and even when they left they where broken beyoung repair. Those of us tha had strong survival skills dealt with it in a way that got us through...... SInce you ahvce the benifit of peoples input that have lived through such things though I would recomend you seek the help of a good internist or endocronologists. It is not hard to attack the stress hormones with medication to buy you time and a health reprive but to deal with it long term you need to learn to control how you as a person responds to stress and this is where biofeedback and other forms of forced relaxation come into play!

I would be eating a boat load of brockli, califlower, raw nuts and berries if I was you to try and deal with this stress chemicals homopathicly as well.