An old but interesting article about obscure / 'lost' steroids

This article is old as hell but it talks about the processes involved for drug manufacturers releasing / developing AAS.

The article also lists some of the 'lost' steroids that were never picked up by the drug manufacturer. Some of them sound like they might work quite nicely in the real world.

I highlighted the section where he lists a few different obscure AAS below.

Full Article Link -

Written by Patrick Arnold -

As I said before there are many great drugs that never made it to market and there are several possible reasons why these fell through the cracks. In the case of anabolic steroids specifically there are many powerful anabolics that simply did not have a favorable enough A/A ratio. In other words, they were too androgenic. This obviously is of little concern to male bodybuilders and athletes, but for doctors and patients in the clinical settings for which they were developed too much androgenic activity is a definite no-no.​
The following are several “lost” steroids. Some of them are very powerful anabolics with bad A/A ratios, but some of them are actually both very potent and have very good ratios. The toxicity of these are unfortunately largely unknown, but a good rule of thumb is the more androgenic and anabolic the more liver toxic.​
The Big
Following are some compounds which have anabolic activity that rival many of the most potent anabolic compounds available in pharmacies across the world.​
This is a steroid developed by Germans (I assume the infamous East German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm). There has to be something wrong with the numbers in the research because this purportedly has an A/A ratio of something like 121!! The specific numbers say that it has anabolic activity 7.3 times that of methandrostenolone (dianabol) while maintaining a seminal vesicle androgenic reading of 0.06 times that of methandrostenolone. I dunno…….​
You steroid chemists out there will notice that this odd steroid is a sort of hybrid between trenbolone acetate and oxandrolone (anavar). The result is that it shares the same low A/A ratio of nandrolone while being 5 times as potent. Probably very expensive to manufacture though.​
This orally active compound is a nandrolone derived compound with an 11beta-hydroxyl functional group. This functional group is usually not found on androgens but rather is a key characterisitic of glucocorticoids. In this case it does not seem to hurt the activity of this compound as it measures out with an anabolic activity 8.00 times and an androgenic activity of 2.60 that of MT. The A/A ratio is therefore a fair 3.07​
The Bad
These bad boys are at least as strong if not stronger than anything you could ever get your hands on.​
You 1-AD aficionados may find this compound vaguely familiar. It is basically a methylated version of 1-testosterone. No, it is not legal for sale as a supplement. Yes, it is very potent – 9.1 to 16.0 times as anabolic as MT. It is mildly androgenic too – 1.0 to 2.2 times MT.​
This compound was shown to be 10 times as anabolic as MT orally. By injection however it was only 1.3 times as anabolic. Don’t ask me to explain why. It is also somewhat androgenic – around 3 times as much as MT.​
Look familiar? Its almost the same as the previous compound except there is an ethyl group coming off of carbon 13 in the steroid nucleus instead of the normal methyl group. This class of steroids is known as 13beta-ethyl gonanes.The 17alpha methyl is also replaced by an ethyl. The result of these alterations is a significant increase of the anabolic activity. The activity of this compound was compared to 17alpha-ethyl nortestosterone (a strange choice for a standard) and its anabolic potency was 14.5 times this standard. The androgenic activity was reduced to 0.86 the standard.​
The Ugly
These compounds serve no practical purpose other than to strike fear into your liver.​
This compound actually was sold as a drug at one time and is still used as a standard in in-vitro assays of androgens. It is an oral form of trenbolone basically and it was removed from the market because it had an unacceptable risk of hepatotoxicity. It is extremely anabolic – 120 to 300 times as anabolic compared to MT. It is also very androgenic – around 75 times that of MT. This is obviously not something that you should take without knowing what you are doing. On second thought, this is probably something you should not take at all.​
Some sick scientist from Ciba thought that the preceding compound was not strong enough so he slapped a 7alpha-methyl group on it and came up with this monstrosity. Depending on the source it is either 100 times as anabolic as MT or – according to Ciba – 1000 times as anabolic as methandrostenolone (Dianabol). You have to laugh I guess.​
Also from Ciba comes this mega-monster steroid. The only data I have on it is that it is 1000 times as potent as MT. I don’t know why Ciba thought it necessary to synthesize things like this because they obviously have no market potential. Just looking at the structure makes my liver ache.​
You just looked at some pretty potent anabolic steroids but don’t get the wrong idea. Just because something is 1000 times as potent as d-bol does not mean that it will get you 1000 times as big as d-bol at the same dose. No, what it means is that it takes a dose 1/1000th that of a given dose dbol to get the same result. In fact, if you took d-bol like doses of one of those monster steroids in the Ugly section you probably would not get any gains. You would probably just end up sick.​
Methyltrienolone was sold briefly as a "dietary supplements" so quite a few people got to use it. Like most synthetic steroids sold as supplements, it wasn't exactly legal but it at least it wasn't a controlled substance at the time.

Patrick told me that it was once one of the AAS popular in some elite athletic circles because it required such a low dosage and either drug detection tests weren't looking for it or weren't sensitive enough to detect. That changed when in 2008 when the Greek weightlifting team got busted:

Methyltrienolone was sold briefly as a "dietary supplements" so quite a few people got to use it. Like most synthetic steroids sold as supplements, it wasn't exactly legal but it at least it wasn't a controlled substance at the time.

True, I'm guessing it hit the market as a PH/DS a few years after PA wrote this article.

Some UGL's sell it but I can't imagine the demand for it being that high. Chinese raw powder suppliers seem to carry it as well.

Funny enough, PA had it listed under 'The Ugly - These compounds serve no practical purpose other than to strike fear into your liver.'

'This is obviously not something that you should take without knowing what you are doing. On second thought, this is probably something you should not take at all.'
I certainly don't envy the guy who was on here last week who wanted to run this stuff for 10-12 weeks.

@Millard Baker Since Jenapharm / East German Pharma companies were mentioned in the OP, I have a somewhat unrelated question for you. Do you know if any of the research Jenapharm or the East Germans did on AAS was ever released or mentioned in any books?

I would imagine much of the research those companies conducted was based around athletes using AAS, maybe even research on passing / beating drug testing. I'm guessing all of this information has been locked away and internalized and will probably never see the light of day. Seems like a real shame.
Do you know if any of the research Jenapharm or the East Germans did on AAS was ever released or mentioned in any books?
If you are ever in Austin, go here:

I think most may be in German. Anti-doping historian Prof. John Hoberman is at UT-Austin, is fluent in German, and has written about it (no doubt enjoying the collection).

And of course in addition to Hoberman, Steven Ungerleider, Werner Franke and Brigitte Berendonk have greater familiarity than anyone else. They all have a strong anti-doping bias but they are the clear experts.
If you are ever in Austin, go here:

I think most may be in German. Anti-doping historian Prof. John Hoberman is at UT-Austin, is fluent in German, and has written about it (no doubt enjoying the collection).

And of course in addition to Hoberman, Steven Ungerleider, Werner Franke and Brigitte Berendonk have greater familiarity than anyone else. They all have a strong anti-doping bias but they are the clear experts.

That is one hell of a collection he's built up. God damn...

I'd love to get my hands on some of those documents.

23. The Influence of Anabolics on the Natural Human Hormone System, depending on the Subject's Pharmacokinetic Behavior. Report from the Colloquium Results 1981
Sounds like they are referring to HPTA function there just based off the title. Would love to read that one.

A few of the studies listed were based on oxycotin and its affects on athletic performance - first time I've heard of oxycotin being relevant to performance. I wonder what they were on to. :)
I meant to type Oxytocin. My mistake, I knew they were referring to Oxytocin the hormone in those studies / titles, but my dumb ass spelled it wrong.

That gave my previous post a whole different meaning, unintentionally of course. That smiling face certainly didn't help either. :oops: