MESO-Rx Exclusive What Makes Nandrolone Different? Unique Benefits for Joints, Muscles, and Blood

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MESO-Rx is proud to present the sixth entry in its ongoing series by @Type-IIx, exploring the distinct features of 11 anabolic-androgenic steroids. This highly anticipated installment delves into nandrolone compounds, including the widely known Deca Durabolin and NPP, making it one of the most sought-after topics in the series.

Nandrolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid, promotes collagen synthesis, supports joint health, and enhances oxygenation and vascularity. However, it poses risks like cardiac hypertrophy, sexual dysfunction, and cognitive issues. It’s valued for muscle growth, joint support, and performance enhancement.
I must say this is a much better representation of the pros and cons of the compound compared to some of the most popular articles that pop up even on Pubmed.

My take away: stay away if you're an out of shape fat ass and/or not really bulking up for real bodybuilding (yeah, that's the simpleton breakdown...I get many people use it safely-ish).

Great article!

P.S. where are the instructions on what doses I can run on my TRT+ (yes, that's a joke).
Another home run @Type-IIx . I was under the impression that Nandrolone, especially NPP, could be viewed as "Tren Lite". If ones tolerability of Tren is low, then Nand could be a substitute, though much less powerful.

Having reviewed both articles, I no longer believe this to be the case. It appears that they are two completely different compounds with two completely different set of pros/cons.
MESO-Rx is proud to present the sixth entry in its ongoing series by @Type-IIx, exploring the distinct features of 11 anabolic-androgenic steroids. This highly anticipated installment delves into nandrolone compounds, including the widely known Deca Durabolin and NPP, making it one of the most sought-after topics in the series.
Excellent article
Great article, I wasn’t aware of nandrolones cardiac interactions until reading this. This might explain my last run with it.

I’ve ran up to 700 deca before but haven’t tried it in a few years. Added 100mgs of NPP to a 750 test/300 primo cycle and it just skyrocketed my RHR to an uncomfortable place. I usually have a RHR of 55-60 bpm with it hovering at around 70 when I take my ADHD meds. I stay on top of fasted cardio year round and can handle stims very well so this has never been an issue before. This time I started noticing my RHR was sitting at a consistent 100+ bpm starting around week 3 onwards. I stopped it after week 4 and both my RHR and the mild tightness in my chest have disappeared.

It’s a pity too, I love how it makes my joints feel and that round/full look on it even on just 100 mgs is unreal.
From previous post of mine:
I used 50 mg Deca for 12 weeks (pinned 1x per week) on top of TRT for elbow tendonitis. Took several weeks to start helping (as expected) but worked like a charm. Note that I also lowered my poundages, did some physical therapy and massage as well as backed-off aggaravating lifts during this period too in order to heal. The condition never returned post-Deca for me (others have experienced otherwise).

Personally I wouldnt run Deca for any other reason - it really hits my BP due to water weight, even with managed E2
From previous post of mine:
I used 50 mg Deca for 12 weeks (pinned 1x per week) on top of TRT for elbow tendonitis. Took several weeks to start helping (as expected) but worked like a charm. Note that I also lowered my poundages, did some physical therapy and massage as well as backed-off aggaravating lifts during this period too in order to heal. The condition never returned post-Deca for me (others have experienced otherwise).

Personally I wouldnt run Deca for any other reason - it really hits my BP due to water weight, even with managed E2
hey after how many weeks exactly did it start working? I am asking cus I have the same problem, npp is in for about two weeks
I used Deca (not NPP) and this took 5-6 weeks to start feeling results. Good luck
Thank you I have an another question please

Did deca end the pain like quickly ? or did it seem like recovery (each day better) and then it was gone? cus That's how I feel now in my shoulder