MESO-Rx Exclusive Dianabol (Metandienone): Understanding Its Estrogenic and Antiglucocorticoid Effects

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Discover the unique pharmacological effects of Dianabol (Metandienone), in @Type-IIx's latest article exclusively on MESO-Rx, highlighting its potent estrogenic activity via undetectable aromatization, significant suppression of cortisol through ACTH inhibition, hypertensive properties, and pronounced suppression of natural testosterone. Essential insights for informed harm reduction and safe usage considerations.

Thanks @Millard

The takeaway from this article for everyone should be that Dianabol is the most widely misused AAS by novices. It is a great drug but it has to be carefully managed because of its unique effects that include highly potent aromatization to an undetectable estrogen (by standard bloodwork), hemodynamic effects, changes (generally positive) to mood, energy, and well-being, cortisol suppression, and antigonadotropic effects (endogenous T).

It is for these reasons that Dianabol is an advanced AAS that requires astute monitoring and management, but that reaps tremendous LBM gains — more than any other 17AA oral steroid per-mg.
10mg Dbol is a year round thing for me, I’ll only pull it for the last 2-4 weeks of prep. Literally no other mental health medication touches it for me. At that dose it doesn’t affect my liver markers and is so cheap I don’t see a reason to ever pull it out.
Yup, Duchaine wrote that 7 mg Dbol is approx. TRT and can be used year-round. I personally don't espouse it to that extreme, I am sure you need some testosterone for basal sexual function after some weeks you just can't supplant testosterone's 5α-amplification (to DHT) in gonadal and CNS tissues. But it's very effective and its effects on mood, energy, and well-being are inimitable.
Yup, Duchaine wrote that 7 mg Dbol is approx. TRT and can be used year-round
I didn’t know that, I’ll have to read more from him. I got a copy of his Underground Steroid Handbook from my dad but honestly never did more than skim it.

I got to 10mg originally because that was the highest dose CIBA produced to my understanding. I figured it had to be at least a somewhat tolerable dose, although I don’t know how well that logic pans out seeing as how that was the dose for burn victims.
Yep that's why many just run nolvadex with it as insurance against gyno. I've found it's much easier to control e2 with exemestane while taking dbol, rather than using arimidex. I take orals sporadically to avoid the high liver markers and toxic feelings I get when using them consistently. Even when taken only 4-5 days a week I can maintain a level of 3-D muscle fullness with diannabol.
Yup, Duchaine wrote that 7 mg Dbol is approx. TRT and can be used year-round. I personally don't espouse it to that extreme, I am sure you need some testosterone for basal sexual function after some weeks you just can't supplant testosterone's 5α-amplification (to DHT) in gonadal and CNS tissues. But it's very effective and its effects on mood, energy, and well-being are inimitable.
Would the same apply to 10mg of Var?
Would the same apply to 10mg of Var?
Nope. Anavar does not aromatize to estrogen or 5a reduce to dht and therefore would not be a candidate for trt or as a base to a cycle. Your estrogen would tank, libido would disappear, joints feel horrible, etc.

You need an aromatizeable AAS for this such as dianabol, testosterone, boldenone, or nandrolone. I imagine boldenone would need a hefty dose to have e2 in a reference range though and I know deca has to be run stupid high as well.
Nope. Anavar does not aromatize to estrogen or 5a reduce to dht and therefore would not be a candidate for trt or as a base to a cycle. Your estrogen would tank, libido would disappear, joints feel horrible, etc.

You need an aromatizeable AAS for this such as dianabol, testosterone, boldenone, or nandrolone. I imagine boldenone would need a hefty dose to have e2 in a reference range though and I know deca has to be run stupid high as well.
Right, that is basically in line with what Duchaine proposed or wrote: that Dianabol sufficiently supplants testosterone (via aromatase) in providing essential estrogen functions; and that it was directly androgenic enough at... you know what, I think it had to be 10 mg daily that he wrote was approx. TRT - makes more sense - since we produce about 4 - 7 mg endogenous testosterone daily naturally.

and I think it's true for a time, but not for everyone, and not for long:

This is because (A) testosterone's unique effects include that it, and it alone, can support male sexual function (in the long-run). See the 5α-amplification pathway:


(B) Duchaine would have, practically, really only observed Dianabol used in this manner with respect to bridging, a common practice back in the 90s. It was not even fathomable back then that anyone would blast and cruise on purpose, unless they fucked up and became married to the needle.

That's right, Duchaine, the guy speed-balling GHB and Nubain to the grave took it as axiomatic that people would seek to preserve their endogenous testosterone.

To conclude, you just can't function without testosterone long-term unless it's because the AAS isn't shutting you down completely, like with Var, Winstrol, Oral Turinabol, and even /gasp/ Anadrol at anabolic doses.
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