1g Boldenone only blood test


Well-known Member
These were my labs under 1g EQ for 16w, here i was at my 17th week.

Looked very flat and lean, had to increase Sodium intake by a lot to fill up even on 400g carbs ed, was 182cm 103kg 8% bf.
My complete PED stack was:

1g EQ
400 TrenAce
400 MastE
10iu HGH split 5iu am + 5iu pm and used only on wo days

25 T3 ed
100 T4 ed
80mcg Clen ed

5mg Cialis first thing am ed
80mg Valsartan before bed ed
500mg Metformin before bed ed
0,5mg Dostinex ew

Libido was fine, but for me it's very hard to loose it, maybe the Tren or Cialis helped me, but still had sex with no problems.
Mentally i was normal, i don't suffer from Tren rage or other things.

Bloods say:
E2 (*CLIA) = 15,69 pg/ml
E1 = 1491 pg/ml

Image here:

*CLIA this should be ECLIA methodology so, not the best result possible but usually gave me reliable results with Test.....

After this "summer cycle" added Test and upped it to 1250mg and life was definitely better, more positive, even more sex drive, incredible strength gain, better recovery, +5kg of BW which was 90% glycogen into muscles, i think that this low E2 levels had me running on very low glycogen stores.

Wanted to share my experience.

Soon will do bloods for E2 levels on 1500 Test and 1250 EQ, need to wait 3 more weeks.

P.S.: Despite what people say my kidney levels were good 0,8 Creatinine no Urea no Prots in urines everything was good kidney wise.
Metformin helps with a lot of things but it is still a glucose disposal agent. 400g of carbs doesnt seem like enough for the dose ya took. T3 is pretty catabolic too. I have never done a cycle without a test base either. I know when i was on bold it did make my e2 lower than it has ever been idc what people say it does something to your e2
Cool experiment, is this something you’ve done before without the test?
Yep before EQ i was just on 250 TestE, so by the 16th week Test was completely outside of my system.

Metformin helps with a lot of things but it is still a glucose disposal agent. 400g of carbs doesnt seem like enough for the dose ya took. T3 is pretty catabolic too. I have never done a cycle without a test base either. I know when i was on bold it did make my e2 lower than it has ever been idc what people say it does something to your e2
In the past (June 2020) i have used 250 TestE 1,5g EQ and my E2 was near those levels. Unfortunately i couldn't figure out it was EQ because at that time i was on it only since 4w, not enough time to become stable.
Also was very skeptical about EQ suppressing my E2, but now it seems doing that.

I think that this "E2 regulation" by EQ is something really personal, everyone has a different response to that, and it's hard to say that everyone can run high test a bit less EQ and be fine.

I can add that... On 250 TestE ew i have 1300ish ng/dl of total test and 41pg/ml E2 which puts me on the lower side of aromatization.