300mg Test E First cycle


New Member
Hi everyone,

First cycle of 300mg Test E, I’ve been on TRT of 160mg a week for the past half year and decided to up it. Felt great until recently where I’ve experienced anxiety, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping. I’m wondering if this is due to my estradiol level. I have an Anastrozole and decided to try .25 tonight. Do you think this will help relieve some of the sides. Once again I’ve felt great until the past two weeks. Currently on week 4 of 300mg per week. No gyno as far as I can tell, I’ve always had weird shaped nipples though. Some water retention but not something I’m concerned about. Do you think I should go back to TRT dosage?

TRT lab results are
Total test - 909
Free test- 167.5
Estradiol - 48

Height 6’3”
Weight - 225 lbs
Bf - estimate 13%

Thank you for advice I greatly appreciate it, if I left something out on post please let me know for future posts.IMG_0056.pngIMG_0055.png
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