.5 mg fin vs 1 mg

On trt. So was on fin for 7 months at 1 mg a day. Didn't notice much but I do believe I was shedding less. Did a primo cycle and obviously the fin didn't combat that so shedding a bit during that.

Didn't really notice any sides except I feel like I wasn't as muscular on the fin. Not sure if placebo affect or what and I would have less morning wood. So switched to 1 mg EOD. Shedding stayed. Switched to .5 mgs EOD and shedding slowed down a bit but sides feel way better.

Now not sure if it's still beneficial being on .5 mgs after doing 1 mg for so long or should I got back to the 1 mg a day.

Any help would be appreciated!
As low as 0.02mg a day will decrease DHT levels almost as much as 1mg will. Look it up, there is a study about it. I dont get why people use 1mg.
Maybe I'll give it another go at .5 for about month or so. You think I'll shed a lot dropping it from 1 mg to .5?
You will not notice any difference. there is a study about it. As far as I remember you can go as low as 0.02mg per day and will have a adequate suppression of 50-55%, increasing it to 1mg per day will only raise the DHT suppression to 55-60% or something. So the additive effect by increasing the dose x50 is minimal.
.25 vs .5 has very similar effects, 1mg is slightly more but at the cost of pronounced sides, possibly. I don't have the study on hand but it is in every hair thread that gets traction.

.5 fin
5 mg minoxidil/ topical
Standard procedure
.25 vs .5 has very similar effects, 1mg is slightly more but at the cost of pronounced sides, possibly. I don't have the study on hand but it is in every hair thread that gets traction.

.5 fin
5 mg minoxidil/ topical
Standard procedure
Thanks man. Just worried if I was on 1mg then drop to .5 mgs then I'll lose a lot of ground. Just feel like my sex drive is so much better on the .5 and feel more aggressive in the gym. Could just be placebo though
Thanks man. Just worried if I was on 1mg then drop to .5 mgs then I'll lose a lot of ground. Just feel like my sex drive is so much better on the .5 and feel more aggressive in the gym. Could just be placebo though
If I get bored I'll link the study If you will take the time to read it. Do what works for you. If you feel more comfortable on .5, it has been shown to be similarly effective. Roll with it.

Results: Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by

13.0% with placebo and by
14.9% with 0.01mg
61.6% with 0.05mg
56. 5% with 0.2mg
64.1% with 1mg
69.4% with 5 mg doses of finasteride

Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P <.001) by
49.5% with 0.05mg
68.6% with 0.2mg
71.4% with 1mg
72.2% with 5 mg finasteride

Results: Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by

13.0% with placebo and by
14.9% with 0.01mg
61.6% with 0.05mg
56. 5% with 0.2mg
64.1% with 1mg
69.4% with 5 mg doses of finasteride

Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P <.001) by
49.5% with 0.05mg
68.6% with 0.2mg
71.4% with 1mg
72.2% with 5 mg finasteride
That's the study I was reffering to. And it was actually 0.05mg being very comparable to 1mg a day, so I have to correct myself here.

So again, I dont see the point of taking 1mg.