6 week bloodwork


New Member
I know the basics of bloodwork, but I'm trying to educate myself a little more on this. What can someone experienced tell by looking at this? Should I adjust anything based off These bloods?

36 years old, 5'10" 185lbs

6 weeks into a 16 week cycle as follows
Test cyp- 500mg (wks1-16)
Eq-400mg (wks 1-14)
Dbol-40mg ed (wks 1-4)
Arimidex- .75mg a week

Test is split twice a week and last pin was 48hrs before bloodwork.


Those are about the numbers I would be at on that dose. Are you happy with those numbers?

Estradiol right on, cholesterol messed up as expected... little high LDL for 10 more weeks. Everything else looks good, especially for being on EQ. How you feel?
I know the basics of bloodwork, but I'm trying to educate myself a little more on this. What can someone experienced tell by looking at this? Should I adjust anything based off These bloods?

36 years old, 5'10" 185lbs

6 weeks into a 16 week cycle as follows
Test cyp- 500mg (wks1-16)
Eq-400mg (wks 1-14)
Dbol-40mg ed (wks 1-4)
Arimidex- .75mg a week

Test is split twice a week and last pin was 48hrs before bloodwork.

U maybe remember which batch number u had on the alpha gear?