New Member
I know the basics of bloodwork, but I'm trying to educate myself a little more on this. What can someone experienced tell by looking at this? Should I adjust anything based off These bloods?
36 years old, 5'10" 185lbs
6 weeks into a 16 week cycle as follows
Test cyp- 500mg (wks1-16)
Eq-400mg (wks 1-14)
Dbol-40mg ed (wks 1-4)
Arimidex- .75mg a week
Test is split twice a week and last pin was 48hrs before bloodwork.
36 years old, 5'10" 185lbs
6 weeks into a 16 week cycle as follows
Test cyp- 500mg (wks1-16)
Eq-400mg (wks 1-14)
Dbol-40mg ed (wks 1-4)
Arimidex- .75mg a week
Test is split twice a week and last pin was 48hrs before bloodwork.