A Little Bit about Blood PH and The Body...


10+ Year Member
FIRST - Let me say that I have become a bit motivated lately. And not by anything less that a "Lemony Snicket's" of events... I want to thank HANS for the final inspiration in a recent post about something OR other.! And I hope to give back here. My typical MO around here is to burn hot a while and burn out. Then I go about my day job which puts me in the car in front of that windshield otherwise known as "The Devil's Master Bedroom"... Which forces me to come up with thought other than driving my car into a bridge embankment. Lately however, I have not been driving, so inspiration is having to provide from new directions.

My last run here I was so caught up in it all, and stuff I won't mention, that I really burned hard. HARD. So i regressed again to my minds cavern, the Devil got me agian, and so on... Somehow I have found light once more. Oddly, I had convinced myself that MESO was a bad place for me and because I spent too much damn time here and avoiding my life. While there is some truth to that, and a good bit, I have reached a PEROGEE of my never ending obsession, and have found myself full circle and recharged...

While I will openly admit that I am not armed with my full arsenal (and no small thanks to OBAM-OPIOID-COCK-BLOCKER-TO-LEVEL-THE-FIELD-FOR-WHITEE-NOW CAUSING-A-HEROID-EPIDEMIC-IN-THE-STREETS-THANKS-FUCKER... (Mutherfucker). I HAVE SURVIVED... ASSHOLE....! and GOOD RIDDANCE..!!! So I will test the old faithful alcohol/amphetamine proposed synergy now.:eek::confused:

ENOUGH ON THAT.... What I am proposing is that POSSIBLY/POTENTIALLY. Blood PH may be the KEY to LONGEVITY and a BETTER life...! We will see. MY PLAN is to venture a study on just how blood PH correlates with biological ANIMAL HEALTH (including HUMANS).. And if we are still here that long... This may indeed be a well kept secret that has to do with Scally's thread on those folks that live a hundred years plus with no medical intervention (octtergens & centigerepedes - whatever - LOL) And consider the Holy Bible minimally here as a WRITTEN TALE about folks living in excess of 500 years...!

NO DISRESPECT to SCALLY- !!!! This is one of the prime factors which has led me to this pinnacle of my career here. There has been a full and complete culmination of factors that has led me here in my search. AND DON'T DISCOUNT FOR A SECOND... THERE IS PLENTY ON MY BURNER...! But when you consider the following factors in my TREK here on EARTH, it just adds up... SO this is my first FOCUS which I will document here.... For once I will try to make a primary study my focus...

1. How does blood PH relate to health.?! And in so many ways...! WHAT IS THE TELL..!

2. I mentioned PH from my mind's eye a couple of times in distant past, however, had no draw or reason to pursue... I just did not have enough information to connect the DOTS for a start...

3. There are so many implications to blood PH which are astounding, let me begin..

4. The FIRST thing that ever got my attention was a thread I read somewhere about how to bolster the effects of amphetamines (at some psyche forum don't recall...) They said, "eat TUMS", and raise blood PH.. I said YEA YEA, what the fuck ever...

*** Interjection - have you ever seen how meth-heads age...!!!! And tried to figure WHY. And when the working world is on ADDERALL and does not seem to notably harm them...!!! Is this indeed a JACOB'S LADDER...! And of IGNORANCE...! Solely.. Unmitigated... SADLY...!

5. I ONCE JOKED THAT IF THE CIA NEEDED FOLKS THAT COULD SUSTAIN A STRONG AMPHETAMINE BASED TORTURE - THAT I WAS THE MAN...! LOL.. But I slowly figured out the reason for this. And being ADD and taking Adderall much of my adult life. There was a point at which I was bothered by my 60mg/day dose at night and kept me up. I got the wise idea that if I took them both in the morning that it would burn out by sleep time. This was not uneducated. It was based on a study of the drug and nothing that half of the pill runs on a 3 hour half life and the other half an 8 hour half life. WHAT WAS THE RESULT. THEN AND NEXT - Adderall stopped being effective at keeping me awake. I can actually take 60mgs in the AM and go right back to sleep if I want. It's crazy. SO I THOUGHT. Well "I shocked my receptors and fucked myself sideways"!!.. NOW - I am starting to think NOT... I am slowing coming to the conclusion that BLOOD ACID is not unlike an evil estrogen cycle in that it is a MONSTER that once it gets ahead of the curve - it gains a "controlling Propensity" of sorts.! Thus you look at a meth amphetamine used and needing more and more and wondering why a single dose that size does not kill him... OR A HORSE .... .... Turns out it don't work in low PH / high ACID conditions....!


  1. PH is like this. (for those unclear)
  2. The scale is 0-14...
  3. 0-7 is acetic. (low PH)
  4. 7.01-14 is BASIC or "Alkaline" (high PH)
  5. Consider I am unsure at this time if there is an EXPONENTIAL EFFECT but I think so.. (Later there)
  6. is there a second word for acetic or did I just catch one..?!?!!?!??!??!!!
  7. I think I read recently that "normal blood PH is 7.5, or SLIGHTLY BASIC/ALKALINE. - - ("The normal blood pHis tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45." SO there ya go.... That's basic..)
7. Moving FORWARD.
So my first notice of the matter of "blood PH" was related to my use of Amphetamines. The ticker in the background started.. AND AGAIN - DOES BLOOD BECOME MORE AND MORE ACETIC (Or BASIC EVEN) WITH AGE/EXPERIENCE..!!?? SO I AM DRAWING SUB-CONSCIOUS LINES NOW....

8. As we all know that when we get spilled blood on textiles / SHEETS / Clothing / LOL - What do we go for?? Hydrogen Peroxide... "Hydrogen peroxide is slightly acidic pH of 6.2 and is, therefore, similar to milk or rain water." Does this signify healthy blood?!?!..? AND WHEN IT FIEEUSZZEZ..? And what happens when it don't fizz so much.? Or more than it should?! And again the above " - "tightly regulated". But the POINT is that you have an acid reacting with a BASE and to my knowledge somehow always causes a FIEUEUUSSZZZZ...!

9. I roomed with this interesting German Chick this summer on a AIR-BNB rental which turned out quite interesting. She was always eating healthy. What struck me is that she was interesting... and how did she put it..? "Alkalining her body". For youth, nice skin, health, etc....

10. If you look at the food groups. You must note how many of them are actually basic in propensity.? (and someone educate me here is off base. But I don't think many are high in PH considering a "Normal American Diet"...!)! So just HOW HARD IS IT TO MAINTAIN GOOD PH...?!

- Anyone remember the old wives tell - Drink milk if yer trip is too hard.. Well LOL.. Milk is an ACID... LOL

11. I also noted in recent past thru both controlled professional medical intervention and well as illicit drug experimentation the point of "Zeroing-out to PH of 7.5" regarding I.V. introduced substances to the blood circulatory system and the importance of having a particular drug mesh with the solution in general.! Did you know that the "BAC Waters" will actually cause serious blood vessel damage and worse if combined with the wrong drugs/substances. ESPECIALLY PROVEN IF BAC WATERS ARE INJECTED ALONE..!!! There are actually about (4) different PRIMARY "BAC Waters" all told, and depending on what you are mixing (all having different PHs to balance the drug depending). EXAMPLE. FIRST - You have the BAC WATER we think of here in mixing with HCG which is based on Benzyl Alcohol. Turns out if you are going to have an IV injection of the pain killer Hydromorphone, you want the BAC WATER with Sodium whatever or so on. There is another one used with Cosmetic application and so on... The POINT is that the BAC in Bac water is just the preservative. The difference appears to be SOLELY PH...! I am a layman so tell me if wrong NOW...

12. So I'm starting to get WARM about now....

13. So I am doing some IV drugs I am not supposed to now. And creatively concocting pills to IV, and I'm OBSERVING that I am coming up with aggravated places on skin and while doing safe, properly filtered and sterilized injections, and not even getting proper response from said drug. BUT MOST NOTABLY/ The sores popping up on epidermis.!!! Something is not right I am thinking.. But WHAT..!>????? Turns out I was fucking up BLOOD PH...! (Crackheads BEWARE..!) Just sayin..;)

14. Now sterilizing skin has notably been different from time to time, infection to infection, sore to sore, and as a general I now take note. BUT SOME APPLICATIONS OF PEROXIDE ON SKIN BURN AND FIZZ MORE THAT ON OTHER OCCASIONS....
AND WHY...!????? !

You really have to wonder just how medical science accounts for a simple condition of BLOOD PH. I really don't think they do.

- What conditions led to a patients condition.?
- How this relates to particular conditions ranging from diabetis to cancer. And treatment of said.
- How this changes general metabolic profiles.
- How it pertains to HORMONES and so much more.
- Heart Disease.. Cancer... the common cold...! "blood akaliners" apparently don't catch colds..!
- ODDBALL conditions like Parkinson's, lou gehrig's disease, Alzheimers, Multiple Sclerosis, What Robin Williams Had... !!! THE LIST GOES ON...!

*** THE ABOVE WHICH I HAVE WRITTEN IS FLAWED AND POOR MINIMALLY. I have not been at this in a while. But I am going to continue this right here and there are SO MANY VECTORS to pursue that its just mind boggling....! Feel free to correct and challenge me where applicable - I am but a learner.o_O I break for now...

Urinary excretion of d-amphetamine following oral doses in humans: implications for urine drug testing. - PubMed - NCBI

Seven healthy male volunteers received a single oral dose of 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg of d-amphetamine. Urine was collected at 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 h post-dose. Total urine volume was measured, and pH and creatinine were determined. All specimens were analyzed by TDx Amphetamine/Methamphetamine II (TDx), Emit-d.a.u. Monoclonal Amphetamine/Methamphetamine (EM), and Emit II Amphetamine/Methamphetamine (EII) immunoassays at a cutoff value of 1000-ng/mL amphetamine. Quantitation of urinary amphetamine in all specimens was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. All urine testing results by the three immunoassays, EM, EII, and TDx, were in agreement; there were no discordant findings. Of the 42 total urine specimens collected following a 5-mg dose of amphetamine, only 8 (19%) screened positive by immunoassay. Twenty-four of 36 (67%) urine specimens yielded positive responses following a 10-mg dose, and 37 of 42 (88%) were positive by immunoassay following a 20-mg dose. These data demonstrate the present guideline for regulated forensic urine drug testing (FUDT) for amphetamine with a screening cutoff of 1000 ng/mL is too high to consistently detect the administration of a single 5-mg oral dose of d-amphetamine. There was considerable overlap of amphetamine concentrations in individual specimens following the various doses. Peak urinary amphetamine ranged from 620 to 3160 ng/mL following 5-mg doses. The time to peak concentration also varied widely at each dose, occurring in urines collected 2 to 18 h post-administration. The mean percent of dose excreted as unchanged amphetamine over 24 h at each dose ranged from 35 to 44%. The data demonstrated that amphetamine excretion increases with increasing urine flow and decreasing urine pH. Thus, a positive FUDT result for amphetamine means only that the individual was administered or self-administered amphetamine at some time prior to collection of the specimen.


  • Amphed Excretion Drug Test PH.pdf
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I read MORE AND MORE about increasing body/blood PH to change human metabolic conditions to more favorable. AKA - HEAL Body / Stop Illness / Remove what is not supposed to be there.

A real question is just how far does PH manipulation/modulation have to move to create an effect?! It may not be far at all...

But if the body does tend to create acetic conditions in normal function, and the goal is to remain where the body should be, then this would be the trick right..?

I have actually heard the science of creating more alkaline conditions in the body described as so difficult, that one must even "trick" the body somewhat, as MEANING that if you apply baking soda TUMS, whatever BASIC, that the body of course reverse loops back with more acidity to Normalize to it's "Set point".

So it may proved that immediate address of acid promoting stimulus MAY be required to be successful... Hence - "cokes are bad for you"..

There is no wonder there really.

Perhaps its not the "sugar" in sweet foods that promote the growth of foreign bacteria in the body (yer not supposed to eat sugar when fighting a bacterial infection, RIGHT?).. But perhaps its the acid and not so much the sugar.?? Most likely both..

I'll be looking for studies that address blood PH as related to everything from TRT application, to illness, to longevity.. It will be interesting to see what I find - IF AT ALL. More interesting will be to see what the PH of particular current studies and applications IS and where not considered specifically.! The data MAY be there regardless.
- Life is really just one big HACK right? That's what medicine tries to do. That's what we are trying to do with hormone modulation. There are ALWAYS newer and better hacks found every single day. That's the TRICK of it RIGHT...?

All About Dietary Acids and Bases

From the article...

To guard against acid loads from food consumption and tissue metabolism, we have 3 main regulatory systems:

  1. Buffer systems that work in cellular fluid and the bloodstream to keep pH constant
  2. The respiratory center (aka the lungs and oxygen or carbon-dioxide carrying structures)
  3. Kidney regulation

Health problems
If pH levels aren’t balanced, this can mean negative health outcomes that include:

  • Decreased growth factors
  • Growth hormone resistance
  • Mild hypothyroidism
  • Higher levels of blood cortisol
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Enzymatic changes in cells
  • Altered regulation of metabolites and minerals
  • Decreased uptake and release of oxygen

Just some bits from that one...

A good question may be as part of the answer is WHAT is being taxed in the body to constantly maintain the PH Balance. What result is THIS BALANCING ACT having...! That read goes on to talk about body buffers which support this process and so on...

dude, you absolutely blow my mind. your posts are a trip :)

like my father used to tell me, it's not what you're saying(maybe it is a little, lol) it's how you are saying it.
ON H202 (hydrogen peroxide) Departing slightly or adversely (as I believe it is slightly acetic!).. This may actually depend on whether it contacts AIR and also whether it is food grade or medical grade which apparently has preservatives. BUT I just recalled I actually met/know a guy who does IV hydrogen peroxide administrations. I believe its touted as anti-aging and health and wellness. So we are talking a slight ACID application now. At least it looks to be on the surface... Here is an interesting study....:


** (
what's - ALSO - interesting is that these type past documented effects MAY NOT even be related to the PH of the matter...!)

Therapeutic potential of targeting hydrogen peroxide metabolism in the treatment of brain ischaemia


"For many years after its discovery, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was viewed as a toxic molecule to human tissues; however, in light of recent findings, it is being recognized as an ubiquitous endogenous molecule of life as its biological role has been better elucidated. Indeed, increasing evidence suggests that H2O2 may act as a second messenger with a pro-survival role in several physiological processes. In addition, our group has recently demonstrated neuroprotective effects of H2O2 on in vitro and in vivoischaemic models through a catalase (CAT) enzyme-mediated mechanism"


"The history of H2O2 began in 1818 when it was discovered by Thénard who named it eau oxygénée (Thénard, 1818). Since the mid-1800s, H2O2 has been marketed for a wide variety of uses, including non-polluting bleaching, oxidizing agent, disinfectant in food processing and even fuel for rockets. The presence of H2O2 in living systems was identified in 1856 (Schoenbein, 1856). However, it was only in 1894 that 100% pure H2O2 was first extracted from H2O by Wolffenstein through vacuum distillation (Wolffenstein, 1894). In 1888, the first medical use of H2O2 was described by Love as efficacious in treating numerous diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, nasal catarrh, acute coryza, whooping cough, asthma hay fever and tonsillitis (Love, 1888). Similarly, Oliver and collaborators reported that intravenous injection of H2O2 was efficacious in treating influenza pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I (Oliver et al., 1920). Despite its beneficial effects, in the 1940s medical interest in further research on H2O2 was slowed down:eek::eek::eek::eek: by the emerging development :eek::eek::eek:of new prescription medicines:eek::eek::eek:. In the early 1960s, Urschel, and later Finney and co-workers, conducted several studies on myocardial ischaemia demonstrating a rescue afforded by H2O2, thereby suggesting an important protective action of H2O2 against ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury (Finney et al., 1967; Urschel, 1967). Notably, Farr is generally considered to be the pioneer of ‘oxidative therapy’ by proposing intravenous infusion of H2O2 to treat a wide variety of diseases (Farr, 1988). Later, Willhelm promoted the therapeutic use of H2O2 to treat cancer, skin diseases, polio and bacteria-related mental illness. He defined H2O2 as ‘God's given immune system’ (Willhelm, 1989; Green, 1998). Another player in the H2O2 story was Grotz, who obtained pain relief by testing H2O2 on himself to treat his arthritis pain (Green, 1998)."
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What really get's you wondering is this. Some of the things I have just read point out the POSITIVE VALUE TO OXIDIZATION of UNWANTED TISSUES AND ILLNESS RELATED CELLS.!! And think of "Oxidization" as RUSTING OF METAL, OR DEATH OF CELL (apoptosis), OR CONVERSION OF MATTER OR NORMAL AGE AND WEAR minimally...

So it gets you wondering about all the "anti-oxidant" supplements we are taking and the real value. More like CORRECT APPLICATION STANDARDS.. OR LACK THEREOF..!!!

Is the application of antioxidants ONLY GOOD if PRIOR to DISEASE..!??? As protective..? And once we are "diseased" Do some or all antioxidants THEN PROTECT DISEASE.. Or certain types of illness?!!!

Are we being suckered...? The older ones of no use to society. And the younger get to benefit..!? Have to wonder...!!!
Okay ole boy your making me think more than i have in quite a while..none the less you have my attention!
Wim Hof the ice man talks alot about PH and alkalining the body with his breathing techniques. He s done some amazing super human feats. Theres gotta be something to this.
What really get's you wondering is this. Some of the things I have just read point out the POSITIVE VALUE TO OXIDIZATION of UNWANTED TISSUES AND ILLNESS RELATED CELLS.!! And think of "Oxidization" as RUSTING OF METAL, OR DEATH OF CELL (apoptosis), OR CONVERSION OF MATTER OR NORMAL AGE AND WEAR minimally...

So it gets you wondering about all the "anti-oxidant" supplements we are taking and the real value. More like CORRECT APPLICATION STANDARDS.. OR LACK THEREOF..!!!

Is the application of antioxidants ONLY GOOD if PRIOR to DISEASE..!??? As protective..? And once we are "diseased" Do some or all antioxidants THEN PROTECT DISEASE.. Or certain types of illness?!!!

Are we being suckered...? The older ones of no use to society. And the younger get to benefit..!? Have to wonder...!!!

Sorry BBC none of this is NEW info bc urinary PH modification has been used to enhance excretion of many "toxins" from ASA to TriCyclic antidepressants, for YEARS and is one reason the utility of urine drug testing is limited to SCREENING and is rarely if ever used as a QUANTITATIVE ASSAY.
And that's PRECISELY why I love your character so damn much... Cagey indeed... LOL

Not that I have any idea WTF you just said OR WTF you said it...!

But you aint seen nothin yet...


I would say "take me to your leader". But I am pretty sure they are on their way....:eek::eek:
And that's PRECISELY why I love your character so damn much... Cagey indeed... LOL

Not that I have any idea WTF you just said OR WTF you said it...!

But you aint seen nothin yet...


I would say "take me to your leader". But I am pretty sure they are on their way....:eek::eek:

With such a deranged mindset you gotta be on drugs fella, lol!
@Dr JIM - Please define "Deranged"...:D


The following BBC3 REVIEW-MOMENT focuses on body PH and CANCER (as a momentary premise)...

I have read a few articles, publications, Propaganda(s), etc on this lately. The argument which seems to be presented is that "INCREASING Alkalinity in the body the body" is not an effective tool to fight cancer. The link I publish here presents that while cancer DOES produce its own acetic conditions which present in the body, that this is what it is. Thus meaning Acid may be produced by the presence of cancer and thru lactic acid resulting there from and the process of this metabolic action there forth.


1. I see failures where many of the "talkers" do not discern the difference between where the PH test is sampled (sailva, blood, urine - they all apparently have different normal values)

2. They present that human construct (at least in blood I PRESUME) is slightly BASIC/Alkaline, and the this is STRICTLY REGULATED between a PH of 7.35-7.45.

3. And presented as being Strictly regulated meaning one simply can NOT change this with diet or exogenous substance (I may have incorrectly extrapolated the "substance thing not sure yet).

4. While many of the presentations appear to discuss FIGHTING Cancer, many DO NOT discuss PREVENTION. ( the BRIEF link I include does however)


1. Just WHAT is the PREDOMINANT and Prevailing PH of the various and specific body systems and TISSUES, CELLS, INTERACTIONS, and BY-PRODUCTS...!? One would think that a urine sample with be ACETIC as AKA "Ureaic Acid"..!?

Saliva is..: (From somewhere) - "Jan 26, 2015 - The pH value of resting whole saliva is slightly acidic, which varies between pH 5.75 and 7.05, and it increases with increasing flow rate up to pH 8. Besides flow rate, the pH also depends on the concentration of salivary proteins, bicarbonate and phosphate ions that have considerable buffering capacity." (And Very Interesting)​

WHAT IS THE PH OF DISSECTED HUMAN MUSCLE TISSUE? An eyeball? Or the Brain? Etc..? And how do these vary in given conditions?

2. Define - "STRICTLY REGULATED"??!!??.. Does taking ant-acids really bolster amphetamine activity in the body? Is this bullshit.? If NO and this practice will truly kick things up a notch, then as HOW APPLIED. Taken WITH..?? Prior to..? As a digestive function and similar kinda-sorta to eating FATS bolstering Opioid uptake and action?? HOW FAST DOES THE BODY ADJUST....?!

3. Define "REGULATED" as meaning HOW...! Can one "alkaline their body" via the REVERSE Factor of APPLYING AN ACID..??!!!!? Like I said, a blood alk'r I met recently stated in their research that its tricky business and you have to go about it gradually and TRICK the body... ??


4. Just WHAT is going on at the cellular level of the specific tissues throughout the body to create the "normal blood PH of 7.45??? What is the condition of these tissues which are causing this sample point (blood) to read constantly as slightly alkaline??
I think the "medical grade" article I attach here states that cancers typically cause the body to produce lactic acid due to outpacing blood path/vessel development. Which indicates that cancer cells as biopsied might actually be ACETIC inherently. ( or at lease proximate enough to show as??) And perhaps NOT, perhaps the lactic acid remains indeed a product of the individual cancer cell. From a layman, however, I pretty much call that "Alkaline by association:confused::confused::p"

*** What will the truth be? Is it simply best to construct in my mind that its best just to keep the body GUESSING..? And focus my health endeavors on a RANDOM and slightly educated diet?? In that too much of ANY CONDITION will ultimately result in foul play?? OR... Is there truly a CONSISTENT APPROACH by which we are designed inherently to require a particular dietary regime or stimulus which is REQUIRED for good health...? ? And would that be any fun at all.? Or perhaps even better...!?

Its not rocket science as there are plenty of REAL EXAMPLES living on this Earth today. The Truth is out there and OBVIOUS by now. There is simply too much technology now which affords INCREDIBLE power via OBSERVATION and SIMPLE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS.

WHERE IS THE DATA...!>?? Where....o_O

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TUMERIC - Adaptogens

From this Article (Value unknown)

"Turmeric is a common spice best known for its beautiful bright orange color and use in Indian cooking. The interesting thing is you can use it to test the pH in food or drink! The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is a pH indicator. When you put turmeric in foods that have a pH value under 7.4, the turmeric will turn yellow. In foods with a pH above 8.6, it turns red."
(IS THIS TRUE!?!?!?!?:))

Natural Ways to Balance Your Body’s pH

- I find this very very interesting I must tell you..!:D:D


** The Term "Adaptogen appears to mean something that does not exotically alter the body, but promotes "Normalcy" - BEST I CAN TELL... YOU TELL ME>.?

Turmeric as an Adaptogen - Temple Turmeric

Role of curcumin in systemic and oral health: An overview
Role of curcumin in systemic and oral health: An overview

***A Couple of excerpts from article ---

Curcumin is antimutagenic as it potentially helps to prevent new cancers that are caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy used to treat existing cancers. It effectively inhibits metastasis (uncontrolled spread) of melanoma (skin cancer) cells and may be especially useful in deactivating the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and chewing tobacco.[18,19] Animal studies involving rats and mice as well as in vitro studies utilizing human cell lines have demonstrated curcumin's ability to inhibit carcinogenesis at three stages: Tumor promotion,[20] angiogenesis,[21] and tumor growth.[22] In two studies of colon and prostate cancer, curcumin inhibited cell proliferation and tumor growth. The anticarcinogenic effects of turmeric and curcumin are due to direct antioxidant and free-radical scavenging effects and their ability to indirectly increase glutathione levels, thereby aiding in hepatic detoxification of mutagens and carcinogens and in inhibiting nitrosamine formation.[23,24]


Turmeric is considered a safe, nontoxic, and effective alternative for many conventional drugs due to its distinguished therapeutic properties and multiple effects on various systems of the body. Its role in the treatment of cancers is very promising. However, there is scarcity of information and research in this field. Therefore, further research is required to determine the optimal dosage, bioavailability, and bio-efficacy of curcumin-based drugs."

***Another real good one...
Therapeutic potential of curcumin in digestive diseases

Check out the PDF attached about - http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/19/12/20091/pdf

- Finally for now...:
Thermal, Chemical and pH Induced Unfolding of Turmeric Root Lectin: Modes of Denaturation

"Curcuma longa, commonly called turmeric, is widely used as food, flavoring, coloring, spice agent, a traditional herb and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. A purified dimeric Curcuma longa rhizome lectin (CLA) is a glycoprotein with about 5.2% covalently bound sugar. The lectin possessing antifungal, antibacterial and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities also showed apparent thermal stability for incubating temperatures below 333 K, as well as acid tolerance till pH 2, by measuring agglutination activity [23]. Despite this study [23] on the turmeric lectin, the molecular basis for its stability and assembly remains unknown. The relationship between protein stability and oligomerization of turmeric lectin (Zingiberaceae family) has been highlighted for the first time in our study."


  • The Chemistry of Curcumin_ From Extraction to.pdf
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Now check this vid out. FORGET THE FAKE COMPUTERIZED VOICE. (which be the way is another way for THEM to get us used to artificial interaction)!!!!!!

So do you think this is propaganda? Or a rebel getting out good info...???