AAS Cycle query and advice 18-WKS


New Member
Hey guys, I'm planning to run my first cycle with more than 3 compounds stacked at the same time because of a competition. I would like to know your opinions in what it is that I am running in case there may be anything I could fix?

Weeks 1-4:
Test Prop 50mg M/W/S
Tren Ace 50mg M/W/S
Mast Prop 50mg M/W/S

Weeks 4-8:
Test Prop 100mg M/W/S
Tren Ace 100mg M/W/S
Test Prop 100mg M/W/S

Weeks 8-14:
Test Prop 100mg M/W/S
Tren Ace 100mg M/W/S
NPP 100mg M/W/S
Mast 100mg M/W/S
Anadrol 50mg ED

Weeks 14-18:
Test Prop 100mg M/W/S
Tren Ace 100mg M/W/S
Mast Prop 100mg M/W/S
Anavar 50mg ED

M/W/S = Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
HCG on cycle at 125 IUs in between AAS shots
AI on cycle is Aromasin.

I've ran all the previously mentioned compounds except for NPP before. Tren and Test as high as 600mg per week...not at all needed imo so I'm using moderate doses and prolonging the time on-cycle instead. Maybe I will add Dianabol during the first four weeks? Ace/Prop should get running in no time hence my debate towards the issue.

All in all, how solid would you consider this cycle? What type of results would you expect? If there's anything else you'd like me to elaborate on please feel free to let me know (like nutrition).

I'd like to introduce insulin pre-workout as to introduce Dat's Swell drink during training times as well. If there is a way or method best suited for the previously mentioned cycle do let me know.

I've succesfully run the buffered l-carnitine protocols as well and won't really consider peptides this time around (cost-efficiency).

Cheers guys!
This is the wrong section , you will probably get a response if u move it ti the steroid forum!!! Good luck
second MR.

Anway, you run tren before?

Just hit that 100mg from the start. And honestly, run it EOD or ED. more stable blood levels, and unless your're blasting...truly blasting, run it ED.

why the test prop if you're running it for 18 weeks?

shit, run eth 1-12, then prop for 13-18.

neve run mast...I stick to test and tren. The only human and animal chemicals I need in me.