AAS Use in Post-Menopausal Women


New Member
Hi All! First post here. Sorry, I am not yet up on all of the jargon, but learning.

I am 58 years old, married, postmenopausal, 5'3", 130-135lbs. 16-19% body fat. I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor. I had a double mastectomy without reconstruction. No chemo or radiation was required. My breast cancer was hormone receptor positive, so I take (prescribed) anastrazole to keep estrogen levels at an absolute minimum and reduce the chance of recurrence. I also have had gastric bypass surgery 2 1/2 years ago and lost 115 pounds. I take Vyvanse (by prescription for binge eating disorder) and Metformin for glucose regulattion. I am no longer diabetic, but pulled out my old meds as I understand it can be helpful for glucose metabolism. I eat clean, low carb, low fat. I don't count my calories or macros but watch it closely enough to ensure I get a minimum of 200 grams protein daily.

I really enjoyed bodybuilding back in my 20's, but got out of it with the pressures of kids, business and life....I returned to the gym about 2 years ago and fell in love all over again. I would like to possibly compete, if I can get my body fat percentage down a bit. Even if I don't end up competing, I like the shredded, hard look, with the muscle striations and vascularity.

Due to menopause compounded by the anastrazole, I completely lost my sex drive. The vaginal tissues atrophied and thinned. Sex became impossible. No matter how much lube we used. Even my last pap smear felt like losing my virginity all over again. There are nott many opttions for women in my position. Estrogen based creams can restore moisture and tissue strength, but still the estrogen does get into your system and I choose not to risk it. Other treatments, like lasers are not covered by insurance.

I became familiar with stanozolol several years ago, as a treatment for tracheal collapse in dogs. It refirms the flaccid collagen tracheal rings and can be a permanent cure for this difficult to treat disorder in dogs.

Because stanozolol does not aromatize and was available in oral form (which I had on hand) I decided to try a course to advance both my bodybuilding goals as well as ascertain if it might help with the sexual difficulties that breast cancer has left me with. I took 10 mg daily for 12 weeks and felt great. I gained 12 lbs of muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat. I took a liver protectant while on it and continued that after I stopped, but am not supervised by a doctor I feel I can confide in, so unable to request all of the tests that I should have to monitor my levels. I had absolutely no virilization. I noticed a slight uptake in sex drive - maybe the Winny, maybe just due to increased confidence(?). I also notice small improvement in the vaginal area.

I took a 6 week break and am now on my second cycle. Same dose as before. This time, 2 weeks in, I am noticing a very slight enlargement of my clit. This is actually good, because I have always had the tiniest clit ever, seriously almost non-existant, and now I can actually finally feel it, still small, but finally evident! But I know that is a sign that things may be heading in the wrong direction with the Winstrol. Voice and skin are fine and I have not noticed any changes in body hair or head hair.

I just started cardarine (10 mg daily), so far, so good, but just a couple days in. Hoping it would preserve muscle and help me burn off the stubborn fat, allowing me to do more higher intensity cardio for more calorie burn without eating the muscle.

I lift 4 days a week, and my new cardio schedule since the cardarine is 1/2 hour on days I lift, 1 hour on days I don't and one day of rest.

I am interested in Masteron Enanthate, either instead of, or in addition to the Winny. I understand it was formerly used for breast cancer and that it can cause nice, hard, dry gains and elevate the sex drive, which my hubby would be very happy about. However it is injectable only (?) and I am not sure how I feel about that. I can't find a lot of info on it's use in women, especially post-menopausal women. Any guidance out there?

Everything I have done has been self-guided and self-researched and I have had no outside help or influence on this, so I come here seeking some help from experienced users, especially older women...if there are any out there. What do I need to change, add, eliminate....in order to achieve both the physique I desire and improved sexual health without risking cancer recurrence due to aromatizing agents/estrogen.

Thanks in advance. Stay strong Ladies!!!
Why jump into something like Masteron when there is anavar? If injecting bothers you then there is that, which is actually what most females start out with due to its safety profile.

I have heard horror stories of winny use with females regarding virilization and hair shedding. A lot of times, however, it has seemed to occur when the user purchased anavar and it turned out to be winny, or worse, low dose of dbol.

if you are dead set in using Masteron I would not use it in conjunction with your winny. I would use it on its own. After using it on it’s own and seeing if it agrees with you I would then add an oral that you already have experience with if that is what you wanted.

Also, I would think a much safer injectable to try prior to mast would be primo. I am sure a much more versed female with more experience will give you better advice but I think what I gave you is pretty solid if you were looking for it.

I would be very weary of female users recommending you try tren ace or something similarly ridiculous given your experience. That is obviously a red flag.

What about going to an experienced endocrinologist that specializes in female HRT? Ultimately that would most likely be your best bet.
Why dont take a serm like tamoxifen instead of arimidex? That would be way better everyone need estrogen, and with an serm you block the estrogen and the receptors where you maybe dont want the estrogen there. But you still would have the positive benefits of estrogen.
Why dont take a serm like tamoxifen instead of arimidex? That would be way better everyone need estrogen, and with an serm you block the estrogen and the receptors where you maybe dont want the estrogen there. But you still would have the positive benefits of estrogen.
Large scame meta analyses in post menopausal women show lower breast cancer recurrence rates with AIs vs SERMs. It is like a ~3% absolute drop in recurrence rates at 5 years and ~4-5% at 10 years. IMO as long as it doesn't destroy quality of life, women in remission from breast cancer are better off with AIs. There is the downside though of increase risk of fractures and osteoporosis and for some women they get terrible lethargy and fatigue from the AIs.

Why dont take a serm like tamoxifen instead of arimidex? That would be way better everyone need estrogen, and with an serm you block the estrogen and the receptors where you maybe dont want the estrogen there. But you still would have the positive benefits of estrogen.
Im pretty sure nolva blocks all estrogen receptors. Ive heard it can even get to the brain and which effects collagen synthesis.
Hi All! First post here. Sorry, I am not yet up on all of the jargon, but learning.

I am 58 years old, married, postmenopausal, 5'3", 130-135lbs. 16-19% body fat. I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor. I had a double mastectomy without reconstruction. No chemo or radiation was required. My breast cancer was hormone receptor positive, so I take (prescribed) anastrazole to keep estrogen levels at an absolute minimum and reduce the chance of recurrence. I also have had gastric bypass surgery 2 1/2 years ago and lost 115 pounds. I take Vyvanse (by prescription for binge eating disorder) and Metformin for glucose regulattion. I am no longer diabetic, but pulled out my old meds as I understand it can be helpful for glucose metabolism. I eat clean, low carb, low fat. I don't count my calories or macros but watch it closely enough to ensure I get a minimum of 200 grams protein daily.

I really enjoyed bodybuilding back in my 20's, but got out of it with the pressures of kids, business and life....I returned to the gym about 2 years ago and fell in love all over again. I would like to possibly compete, if I can get my body fat percentage down a bit. Even if I don't end up competing, I like the shredded, hard look, with the muscle striations and vascularity.

Due to menopause compounded by the anastrazole, I completely lost my sex drive. The vaginal tissues atrophied and thinned. Sex became impossible. No matter how much lube we used. Even my last pap smear felt like losing my virginity all over again. There are nott many opttions for women in my position. Estrogen based creams can restore moisture and tissue strength, but still the estrogen does get into your system and I choose not to risk it. Other treatments, like lasers are not covered by insurance.

I became familiar with stanozolol several years ago, as a treatment for tracheal collapse in dogs. It refirms the flaccid collagen tracheal rings and can be a permanent cure for this difficult to treat disorder in dogs.

Because stanozolol does not aromatize and was available in oral form (which I had on hand) I decided to try a course to advance both my bodybuilding goals as well as ascertain if it might help with the sexual difficulties that breast cancer has left me with. I took 10 mg daily for 12 weeks and felt great. I gained 12 lbs of muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat. I took a liver protectant while on it and continued that after I stopped, but am not supervised by a doctor I feel I can confide in, so unable to request all of the tests that I should have to monitor my levels. I had absolutely no virilization. I noticed a slight uptake in sex drive - maybe the Winny, maybe just due to increased confidence(?). I also notice small improvement in the vaginal area.

I took a 6 week break and am now on my second cycle. Same dose as before. This time, 2 weeks in, I am noticing a very slight enlargement of my clit. This is actually good, because I have always had the tiniest clit ever, seriously almost non-existant, and now I can actually finally feel it, still small, but finally evident! But I know that is a sign that things may be heading in the wrong direction with the Winstrol. Voice and skin are fine and I have not noticed any changes in body hair or head hair.

I just started cardarine (10 mg daily), so far, so good, but just a couple days in. Hoping it would preserve muscle and help me burn off the stubborn fat, allowing me to do more higher intensity cardio for more calorie burn without eating the muscle.

I lift 4 days a week, and my new cardio schedule since the cardarine is 1/2 hour on days I lift, 1 hour on days I don't and one day of rest.

I am interested in Masteron Enanthate, either instead of, or in addition to the Winny. I understand it was formerly used for breast cancer and that it can cause nice, hard, dry gains and elevate the sex drive, which my hubby would be very happy about. However it is injectable only (?) and I am not sure how I feel about that. I can't find a lot of info on it's use in women, especially post-menopausal women. Any guidance out there?

Everything I have done has been self-guided and self-researched and I have had no outside help or influence on this, so I come here seeking some help from experienced users, especially older women...if there are any out there. What do I need to change, add, eliminate....in order to achieve both the physique I desire and improved sexual health without risking cancer recurrence due to aromatizing agents/estrogen.

Thanks in advance. Stay strong Ladies!!!
Hey Granma,
I understand your situation, I'm a grandparent too and a coach/trainer. I have worked with plenty of females and most over 40 and some in the 50' 60s. I've found a great compound for use in females in nadrolone NPP. It acts on the progesterone receptors so is more natural to women. It is low in androgen and doesn't aromitize very much and doesn't convert to DHT. Sometimes it's a bit too low in androgens and needs a little DHT so I would make a mix of NPP and Mast P at a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. An HRT dose would be 10mg twice a week and cycles would move up from there.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.