AI/PCT for Test & Var cycle


New Member
Hey so i'm planning on running a 250mg test e & 60mg anavar cycle for 5-6weeks. Very similar to u/Arnold84 .

I was wondering what dosage of AI (aromasin is what i have ordered) should I be running during the cycle, I don't wanna take out all my estrogen but I also don't want bitch tits.

Also i've heard from people that running ai PCT is benefecial in that in helps boost your test levels back to normal? Would anyone recommend running aromasin post cycle in conjunction with novaldex?

Each Week:
250mg test e
60mg anavar
Aromasin mg ??

Also I was going to run n2 guard during and novaldex 40/40/20/20 for PCT

21 years old

Some help would be much appreciated also if you could explain your response, thanks
Test e is a long ent that mean that will take 4- 5 weeks to kick in
If you going to use test e you need to do a 12 weeks cycle.

Aromasini would use 12.5that work for me, but you need to do blood work to see what actually work better for you.

I personally think that n2guard is all bull
You're definitely gonna wanna run Test E longer than 5-6 weeks, it'll barely be kicking by the time you stop. And is there a reason you're only doing 250mg/wk? That's not much higher than TRT dose...

I would suggest doubling the Test E dosage as well as the length of your cycle, and wait a couple weeks to start up your AI. I'd start out around 12.5mg EOD, and watch out for signs of Low/High estro. Mid cycle bloods (week 6ish) will determine how to proceed.
This will be my first cycle, so I wanted to try something mild with something where I would keep most of my gains. So I just wanted a baseline maintence test dosage to run with var. Could you elaborate on signs of high/low estro? Mood swings? Also what did you mean by "bloods (week 6) will tell you how to proceed."? Sorry for the noob questions
high estro - acne, water retention, high bp
low estro - achy joints, get irritated easily
both - weak boners, fatigue
This will be my first cycle, so I wanted to try something mild with something where I would keep most of my gains. So I just wanted a baseline maintence test dosage to run with var. Could you elaborate on signs of high/low estro? Mood swings? Also what did you mean by "bloods (week 6) will tell you how to proceed."? Sorry for the noob questions

blood will tell you if your gear is g2g or if is bunk and how low or high are you estro.

could you post your diet and how old are you and how long you have been working out
You should read around the forum a bit first, pick up info from other peoples logs and testing. As for bloods, in summary, you should get blood drawn to determine your testosterone level before your cycle, and then again when you're on cycle (week 5 or 6) to determine your testosterone levels again, the quality of your gear, and also to check your estradiol (estrogen) levels and adjust your AI accordingly. Look at the sticky thread on the lab testing forum about blood work protocols to find out more details.
You'll probably benefit a little on 250mg/wk, but I'd recommend going at least 400 which is also considered pretty mild. Especially since there's a good chance your testosterone will be underdosed. Either way, you'll definitely need to increase your cycle length; 10 weeks minimum with Test E
Hey so i'm planning on running a 250mg test e & 60mg anavar cycle for 5-6weeks. Very similar to u/Arnold84 .

I was wondering what dosage of AI (aromasin is what i have ordered) should I be running during the cycle, I don't wanna take out all my estrogen but I also don't want bitch tits.

Also i've heard from people that running ai PCT is benefecial in that in helps boost your test levels back to normal? Would anyone recommend running aromasin post cycle in conjunction with novaldex?

Each Week:
250mg test e
60mg anavar
Aromasin mg ??

Also I was going to run n2 guard during and novaldex 40/40/20/20 for PCT

21 years old

Some help would be much appreciated also if you could explain your response, thanks

Pinning TT at a dose that is ONLY TWICE that of TRT, is very unlikely to warrant the use of an AI especially Arrow.

Why some believe ALL cycles mandate the routine use of an AI is just absurd bc there are several factors that effect whether elevated E-2 signs and symptoms develop.

I hope you intend to obtain baseline labs BEFORE this cycle begins!

Pinning TT at a dose that is ONLY TWICE that of TRT, is very unlikely to warrant the use of an AI especially Arrow.

Why some believe ALL cycles mandate the routine use of an AI is just absurd bc there are several factors that effect whether elevated E-2 signs and symptoms develop.

I hope you intend to obtain baseline labs BEFORE this cycle begins!


So what would you suggest? Getting bloodwork done to see what my T levels are and dose at my natural levels or...? I'm sorry for the confusion but I want to do things correctly.
Thanks for your time
First I appreciate you posting your legit age, but I believe it's very important others, whom started using AAS when their endogenous levels are at their peak, speak up and help me convince you you're far to young to use AAS fella.

Lets start with that understanding, it's a big mistake to begin using AAS at your age.

I'll be back to help answer your questions but let's first get some opinions from more experienced BB

So seriously if you really want to do this correctly WAIT until at least age 25 and in the meantime perfect your lifting technique and diet, develop a specific goal oriented approach to BB and optimize your natural innate potential as a BB.


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Pinning TT at a dose that is ONLY TWICE that of TRT, is very unlikely to warrant the use of an AI especially Arrow.

Why some believe ALL cycles mandate the routine use of an AI is just absurd bc there are several factors that effect whether elevated E-2 signs and symptoms develop.

I hope you intend to obtain baseline labs BEFORE this cycle begins!

I did not use an AI until the age of 36. I never needed one until then. I think we age we are more susceptible to sides.

First I appreciate you posting your legit age, but I believe it's very important others, whom started using AAS when their endogenous levels are at their peak, speak up and help me convince you you're far to young to use AAS fella.

Lets start with that understanding, it's a big mistake to begin using AAS at your age.

I'll be back to help answer your questions but let's first get some opinions from more experienced BB

So seriously if you really want to do this correctly WAIT until at least age 25 and in the meantime perfect your lifting technique and diet, develop a specific goal oriented approach to BB and optimize your natural innate potential as a BB.


I totally agree with Jim here. So much can be done naturally before AAS or other PED's need to be introduced.

I totally agree with Jim here. So much can be done naturally before AAS or other PED's need to be introduced.


You think even running a cycle as mild as this one would really be that bad for me? I just wanted to add 10-15lbs of muscle and get really cut.
So who you fooling with this "one cycle" nonsense? No one experienced that's for sure especially at your age!

You think ONE 5 week cycle is all it takes to add TEN POUNDS of LEAN MUSCLE?

Are you aware all those "gains" will disappear in roughly 2-3 months after you cease cycling.

Let me suggest you LEARN a lot more about AAS thru READING bc you have no earthly idea what your doing. But don't feel short changed since that's the case with essentially ALL 21 year olds!
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