Allow me to introduce myself


New Member
Hello! New member here.

A little about me: mid-30s male who works as an organic chemist. And no, I'm not the Barry Sharpless, he is just an inspiration of mine.

In my early 20s I went to the gym regularly to run and do some light lifting. I fell out of these habits when my life was consumed by graduate school and never really got back into them. I am active; I go for a short run a few days a week, hike with my dogs on the weekends, and play in the city rec basketball and softball leagues. My wife and I usually cook at home and my diet is fairly healthy. I've never had a weight problem, or any other real health problems.

So why am I here? In the past year or two I've really started to notice I am approaching "middle age." Injuries heal slower, I don't sleep as well as I used to, and I feel less energetic. A friend of mine recommended some peptides to promote healing and increase energy levels. I found this site while doing some research on peptides. The amount of information and knowledgeable members here seems like a true asset, so I decided to join and learn from those who are experienced.

I have never taken any steroids, HGH, or other peptides (outside of noopept as a study aid years ago), but I am looking forward to learning how they may improve my day-to-day life. I have a first cycle in mind and a ton of questions, but I'll keep those discussions to the appropriate subforums.

Looking forward to a rewarding journey. Cheers!
Hopefully that just means going to get your hormones checked and then maybe getting on TRT and staying there?

Running a cycle to feel good while running a couple times a week and playing rec league basketball would be insane.
Thanks for the reply!

I am scheduled to get blood work done this month and I plan to talk to my doctor about hormone levels. But I wasn't even thinking of going as far as TRT right now. Perhaps I misused the term "cycle." I am planning on sticking to peptides in the near term. GHRP-2, GHRP-6, and hexarelin are what I am currently looking into.

blood work done
TT by LCMS morning draw
FT by equilibrium dialysis

Plus all the other ones. Thank me later when you are wondering why your measured FT via "direct" EIA is ~7 times lower than expected based on reported value and units. No the lab is not reporting the units wrong.

Welcome. Great to have a member that knows SN2 from N2S.
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