Allow me to introduce myself


New Member
I'm a 76-year-old retired firefighter. I run and do stairs. Living in a high-rise, I can easily step out my door and enter the stairwell. Can't beat that for convenience. For running, I specialize in the 100-meter dash. There are guys older than me who can do the hundred in 13 seconds. I'm not that good. I got it down to 18 seconds and then I injured myself. I'm recovering from a labral tear and a herniated disk. For health enhancements, I take peptides and testosterone gel. The gel helps with mood, energy, libido, etc. The peptides--specifically BPC-157 and TB-500--are helping me with my injuries. For harm reduction, I look up everything on PubMed before I try it. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of research papers that endorse these supplements. I also hope to learn much more about safety and utility from the veteran users on this site.