Analyze steroid quality at home with mobile app / portable spectrometer


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What if we could have our own portable spectrometer and mobile app that we could use to analyze the composition of all underground steroid labs (UGLs)? We could be absolutely certain that the injectable solution or tablets contained what the label stated and at the dosage listed. And all testing would be done from the convenience of your home.

Will it be a reality soon? According to Consumer Physics, Inc., the technology may be in the hands of consumers this year.

If it's really true, it would be a game changer. For experts out there, could it be used for the purposes described above?

SCiO - Consumer Physics

Hat tip to @Phoenix of (Bodybuilding hardcore non censuré, entrainement, nutrition, stéroïdes, par Musclesenmetal) for sending me this information.
I'll tell you what im waiting for is a reliable cheap way to test e2 at home. Maybe in the way a diabetic test his blood sugar daily.
That would be a real convenience to me and a lot of others I would think.
This could come in handy for some guys I know :)
Heard about it on another board, I don't know how it would be that accurate by measuring the reflected light. Or how it would measure the quality or concentration, maybe just teh presence. It apparently works on medication.
I think someone would have to develop an app specifically for Steroids though so it can interface with thier cloud. Also if you receive the analysis on you cell phone from a public cloud does that mean you are now traceable by LE and prove you have illegal substances. It definetey will be able to give a complete make up of what ever is scanned even what type of oil and what percentage of compounds are in that oil. It starts with the app though.
I think someone would have to develop an app specifically for Steroids though so it can interface with thier cloud. Also if you receive the analysis on you cell phone from a public cloud does that mean you are now traceable by LE and prove you have illegal substances. It definetey will be able to give a complete make up of what ever is scanned even what type of oil and what percentage of compounds are in that oil. It starts with the app though.

Interesting. Yeah that would be be a problem of it was a cloud database. Scaning illegal substances they could know exactly where you are when you do it as well.