Anavar dosing


New Member
I’ve taken var for just under a week and am interested in how folks dose it , both in total and in dose spacing.

my understanding of the benefits are
- drying out (including pumps )
- visceral fat loss
- strength at the gym
- actual anabolism

ive taken between 15 and 30 mgs per single dose with 40-60 mgs daily total.

on my first day at the gym on it It was a second day I’ve taken it. It blew me away how powerful yet naturally it felt. The strength didn’t come with aggression like winny (have done 50mg IM/d prior ) but just stuff felt lighter. I didn’t “feel” on drugs , if that makes sense. to me , on winstrol it feels more superhuman and that it’s not natural.

last couple of days I’ve done 20 mgs in the morning about 1hr pre workout on empty stomach then about 6-8 hours later I’ll take another 20 mgs

gym improvement was MUCH better on 30 mgs so much so that the difference between 10ish and 20 mgs isn’t as big as 20-30

does it make sense to adjust the doses and take a bigger chunk pre workout ? Or is the true benefit what’s happening behind the scenes , outside the gym , thus keeping it more evenly spaced out ?

why do folks take smaller amounts , like 5-10 daily ? What is the benefit at such low doses ? Does it not trash lipids and thus it can be run much longer than a couple of months ? Like, I remember reading a study that winny trashed lipids even at 4mgs per day.

if there’s a way to run this for longer than typical 8 weeks. At a lower dose I personally wouldn’t feel more gym aggression but so far it’s been working fantastic with my tirz protocol. Helps appetite suppression and hopefully more fat burn behind the scenes. (Not sure if the burn would happen at doses that are “safe“ to take during a longer cycle (12-16 weeks)

thanks for any feedback and for sharing your experiences and how you use it.
I try not to overthink things and just kept it simple. I currently take 40mg var. I do 25mg am and 15mg pm. If. I couldn’t break up the dose or had pills, I would just dose 1/2 am and 1/2 pm or all in the morning
I just dose it once a day, either pre-workout or early morning.

Blast dose: 60mg
TRT+ish: 20-40mg

Those are daily doses, just one and done.
I am currently taking 50mg dosed in the morning or a hour before working out. When I tried splitting the dosage to 25mg twice daily I didn't notice any positive effects and the evening dose seemed to really mess up my sleep.
I just dose it once a day, either pre-workout or early morning.

Blast dose: 60mg
TRT+ish: 20-40mg

Those are daily doses, just one and done.
Do you find it lets your HDL grow back when on the TRT + or it‘s suppressed regardless ?
I like taking 40 to 50mg a day . Split up 2 times a day. One with breakfast and one an hour before the gym . Taking it pre-workout gives some of the best pumps .
honestly bro i take all my gear pre workout always have haha ill shoot 3 ccs of gear and take half my daily dose of my oral im on or sometimes ill take it all and i always have amazing workouts and amazing results i base everythingn arond training i take all my gear before i train and i take all my growth factors after training hgh, igf-1, slin. this is how you make insane progress. but this is my secret im sharing with you now i guess
honestly bro i take all my gear pre workout always have haha ill shoot 3 ccs of gear and take half my daily dose of my oral im on or sometimes ill take it all and i always have amazing workouts and amazing results i base everythingn arond training i take all my gear before i train and i take all my growth factors after training hgh, igf-1, slin. this is how you make insane progress. but this is my secret im sharing with you now i guess
Honestly I think thats mostly mental, mabe minus the pre workout orals, or mabe it gives you a 1 percent boost. most stuff is mental, what ever you feel works for you.
Honestly I think thats mostly mental, mabe minus the pre workout orals, or mabe it gives you a 1 percent boost. most stuff is mental, what ever you feel works for you.
bro read atomic habits. a 1 percent boost everyday over a year leads to massive changes. Im tellling you try it and you will see what im saying its not mental having peak blood levels while training will help you and the recovery process
Are you taking orals without T?

If that´s the case you will end with no T nor E2, feeling like shit and with dry and painful joints. Then you will learn what a PCT does... It happens around 8 weeks but can be sooner or later, but as long as you are not taking T it will happens and hit you in the balls

I know because my fisrt 2 cycles were like that. Now on blast and cruise and its all avantages

What´s your age?

In any case, enjoy the first weeks. I would say 40mgs day is more than enought and less supressive than 60mgs. Divide in 2/3 takes a day for optimal blood levels
Are you taking orals without T?

If that´s the case you will end with no T nor E2, feeling like shit and with dry and painful joints. Then you will learn what a PCT does... It happens around 8 weeks but can be sooner or later, but as long as you are not taking T it will happens and hit you in the balls

I know because my fisrt 2 cycles were like that. Now on blast and cruise and its all avantages

What´s your age?

In any case, enjoy the first weeks. I would say 40mgs day is more than enought and less supressive than 60mgs. Divide in 2/3 takes a day for optimal blood levels
dude anavar only cycle at that dose should be ok idk why guys are so against this
dude anavar only cycle at that dose should be ok idk why guys are so against this
If you dkw just study a bit more. Wrecking your t and e2 have systemic effects on pretty much all organs/brain even bones health

Also you will feel like shit on the PCT while probably you lost all the gains cause you spend weeks without T

There is a reason for the mantra. If you still are going to do it, keep under 8 weeks and under 40mgs day to minimize suppresion

Even better do just 2 weeks, so you have a taste of the chemical without supression