Thanks much!
As a side note, I have not had any elevated ACTH levels.
I also do not express the normal phsyical manifestations of Cushing's (severe torso weight gain, moonface, red face, buffalo hump, etc.). In fact, if you list out the "main" Cushing's "visual symptom" charactertistics (Rounding of the face or "moon face", Facial redness facial plethora, Hump on back of neck, Weight gain around the belly with thinner arms and legs, Purple stretch marks, Facial hair growth - in women, Acne, Muscle weakness, Thin skin and Easy bruising), I have exactly "none" of those! If you include the other common symtoms (Bone thinning, Recurrent infections, Sleep disturbances,
Fatigue, High blood pressure, and Diabetes mellitus), I have severe insomnia and some mild fatigue. When you include mood disorders, somewhat of a majority of Cushing's tend to have depression rather than anxiety - and my problem has always been severe anxiety with hardly any depression.
As to my BP levels, if anything, I will have more borderline low BP reading than borderline high ones (had a couple early last week that were like 144/84, etc - but also a couple that were like 98/59 - and never have had any outright high BP levels. My "normal" BP tends to be around 120/60 with a pulse in low 60s... in fact, they just took it here about 10 minutes ago and it was 125/72 with pulse of 67.
As to my glucose levels, well they have snuck up some, but we're talking just a little bit, from a (fasting) level of around high 80s to low 90s to a level of around 100 - 107.
I also became severely hypogonadal, which can be caused by any form of hypercortisolism - Cushing's or otherwise.
My other symptoms included severe tinnitus developing, sharp stining pains to extremities and also somewhat cold hands/lower arms and severely painfully icy cold feet/lower legs. None of those generally "mainstream" Cushing's symptoms.
Also, the tests here have included and/or will be including bone density scan, CT Scans, MRIs, GNRH Test, multiple midnight serums draws (all non elevated - in fact quite low - of the ones that results have returned anyway), posture test, mixed meal test, ACTH tests (multiple), glucagon test, two AVP tests, multiple (on-going 24-hr UFCs) and low dose Dex suppression tests and high dose Dex suppression tests... (plus they provide coordinated follow-up with you through your established Endo for up to five years afterwards).
I hate to think that that this is a "conservative approach". What additional testing would a more "liberal" approach be?