Another new member.


New Member
Hey guys. I’m 42 from Texas. Used to be really big into lifting until about age 25. I got really bad on painkillers at that time and stopped lifting. I had been using since the age of 21. Got my life back together at the age of 28. However I got on methadone at the local clinic to help. Unfortunately I’m still on it but am working on getting off. About six months ago I started taking my health seriously. Eating right, taking some necessary vitamins and other supplements to help with low testosterone and other side effects from methadone. I’m here to learn as much as possible about overall health and weight lifting. Another thing. I have an umbilical hernia that I need surgery to fix. I started lifting again but for now I’m taking it easy and wear a belt for everything in the gym. So far it’s been working great. Just wanted to join a community for knowledge.
Hey guys. I’m 42 from Texas. Used to be really big into lifting until about age 25. I got really bad on painkillers at that time and stopped lifting. I had been using since the age of 21. Got my life back together at the age of 28. However I got on methadone at the local clinic to help. Unfortunately I’m still on it but am working on getting off. About six months ago I started taking my health seriously. Eating right, taking some necessary vitamins and other supplements to help with low testosterone and other side effects from methadone. I’m here to learn as much as possible about overall health and weight lifting. Another thing. I have an umbilical hernia that I need surgery to fix. I started lifting again but for now I’m taking it easy and wear a belt for everything in the gym. So far it’s been working great. Just wanted to join a community for knowledge.
Welcome, I hope you can manage to get off the methadone eventually. I'm a recovering pill user too, so I understand the battle. Glad you joined!
Welcome, I hope you can manage to get off the methadone eventually. I'm a recovering pill user too, so I understand the battle. Glad you joined!
Thanks! Yeah those pain pills are no joke. I started getting them prescribed to me back in the early 2000’s when they were handing them out like candy. Back when pharmacies weren’t communicating so you could go doctor to doctor with same MRI and get multiple prescriptions. Methadone did help me get my life back together. Just wish it wasn’t so hard to get off of. Just need to take it slow and then save enough cash to cover bills while I miss work to go through the hard part.