Another PCT question


New Member
I am currently running a 12w test-e cycle and have used 500mg e5d and am planning to go down to 250mg/e5d the last 2-3 weeks. I have also used 12.5mg ed Aromasin during the cycle.

I had my PCT figured out before the start of the cycle but have been reading alot about PCTs/HCG the last few days and the variations/doses varies alot.

I have 5000IU of HCG and nolva/clomid to use for the PCT.

I was planning of using 500IU HCG eod which would last ~3weeks, but after reading alot of forum posts I got confused. Can I start the HCG during the end of the cycle or should I wait until my last shot of test? And should I use HCG separate and start the nolva/clomid after the HCG?