Anyone ever had Intercostal Muscle Strain?


Well-known Member
Bit of a weird one this guy's, but I am pretty sure this is what I have got.

I started noticing a mild pulling sensation is my chest several weeks ago that would come on at the end of a workout, where doing movements like putting on my jacket and feeding my arm through the sleeve would bring on the sensation of a sore muscle in my chest but not like the usual feeling of a torn muscle where it is sharp and more on the surface - it was more of a deeper feeling in my chest.

Some of my pressing training has been more intense of late and frequency has gone up which I think has exacerbated things. I now have this very sore strange muscle soreness which feels like it is in my ribs and after training when breathing heavily it is at its worst, the pain also comes in at the upper back and traps, shoulder etc. After a lot of reading it looks exactly like Intercostal muscle strain which I think I may have caused by holding my breath when maxing out before lifts, has anyone else ever had this and was there any methods you used to speed up the healing process? It says recovery can take anywhere between 2 days up to 6 weeks! Lol


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