Apple watch ecg / Masteron TRT+/AVB 1


New Member
I’m currently on 120mg mast alongside my TRT (125mg T e) - a month later my PR interval (measured on Apple Watch) came back prolonged at around 240-260ms,even though I had my cardio checkup a month prior - scheduled another appointment immediately with my cardiologist(ecg/echo/stress test/holter)- nothing wrong besides a few PVCs, mild bradicardia/ and of course a slight prolonged PR(which I never had before). The Cardiologist argued that it might be due to added cardio workout, however the amount of cardiovascular training added is around 10 minutes more than usual - that won’t explain the correlation with Mast and PR - used to do way more cardio a couple of months ago, had absolutely no change in my ECG out of this - The strange part would be that if I stop mast - the AV block 1 also goes away. I’m obviously not going to keep on doing this, but looking for an explanation - why does this happen?

Early 30s, Trt. No other conditions that would affect this.

Supplements : Hawthorn berries.

Edit: Used to blast Mast/gear in the past without any changes in ECG, used it before alongside TRT as well, no issues. This is new.
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I’m currently on 120mg mast alongside my TRT (125mg T e) - a month later my PR interval (measured on Apple Watch) came back prolonged at around 240-260ms,even though I had my cardio checkup a month prior - scheduled another appointment immediately with my cardiologist(ecg/echo/stress test/holter)- nothing wrong besides a few PVCs, mild bradicardia/ and of course a slight prolonged PR(which I never had before). The Cardiologist argued that it might be due to added cardio workout, however the amount of cardiovascular training added is around 10 minutes more than usual - that won’t explain the correlation with Mast and PR - used to do way more cardio a couple of months ago, had absolutely no change in my ECG out of this - The strange part would be that if I stop mast - the AV block 1 also goes away. I’m obviously not going to keep on doing this, but looking for an explanation - why does this happen?

Early 30s, Trt. No other conditions that would affect this.

Supplements : Hawthorn berries.

Edit: Used to blast Mast/gear in the past without any changes in ECG, used it before alongside TRT as well, no issues. This is new.
I've somehow developed a benign ST elevation at some point during my late 30's. No symptoms at all except for some PVC's when I'm tired from a long day or from not sleeping properly.

Sometimes I like to see the look on the technician's faces when they run my ecg and the alarms start going off. I usually warn them ahead of time but sometimes it's fun to let them sweat for a few seconds, you know what I mean? Those office techs don't get much action anyways. I keep them on their toes. It's good for them. It's good for us all.

I can't speak for the masteron because I hadn't run it before this happened but I did run 2 x 250mg/week test c cycles, so to speak. No other compounds and not a great deal of cardio. The test may not have anything to do with it. It could be a coincidence but that's not where I would put my money if I were a betting man.