Are Nolva and Clomid enough for my case?


New Member
I am new to AAS. I did a cycle of 20mg dbol once every two days and 20mg anavar every day for almost 12 weeks and am ready for PCT.

I know dbol has a half life of about 3-5hr, which is cleared from the body in about 1 day; whereas anavar of about 8hr, cleared in about 1.8days, but anavar does not convert to estrogen so it leads to less negative feedback on the hypothalamus. Could it be possible in between my dbol intake every 2 days, my natural T production got a chance to turn back on at all?

I asked that because if my HPTA isn't completely shut down, then for starting my PCT, Nolva and Clomid without hCG may suffice?
DBOL once eod? Did you have any gains? I've yet to hear of a cycle like that. I'm not sure if that even qualifies as a cycle.
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I did, with a not very dramatic one, like within the 4-6lb range. It gave me the hardening, lowering of % bodyfat. People noticed I became more muscular and bigger, but not to a point anyone suspected.
Best advice I can give you is go get your bloodwork done and see where your at.
On another note. Clomid and Nolvadex would be more than sufficient on a Anavar and dbol cycle. Be careful next time to not run the dbol longer than 4-6 weeks. Although EOD at that dose probably didn't hurt anything.
I really am not sure of what kind of pct to recommend with this cycle. Maybe just the Clomid at 50mg/ed for 4 weeks. I'm sure some others will chime in soon. Good luck brother.
Thanks, Broilermech, for the advice.
Have you heard about IGF1 LR3?

Cos if I am not taking hCG, IGF1 LR3 seem to serve as a great candidate for muscle growth and its anticatabolic effect, bridging between cyc. There are even some people claim that it reverses testicular atrophy. If that's true, it would be perfect!