Arimidex skin rash and Vitreous detachment


10+ Year Member
Pertaining to eyes...

I find it amazing how many eye issues are caused by SERMS and seem to get brushed off as innocuous and not serious. And it has recently come to my attention that AI's and specifically ADEX is now also documented as causing eye issues. These are not simple issues and always very serious. Its not a great policy to the general publication that these medications action on the eyes ceases and is fully reversible when the drug is stopped. These are serious matters and should be treated as such.. What shocks me even more is that my ophthalmologist did not even take concern over the adex I have listed on file when I recently saw him for some minor vitreous detachement from retina. Granted it was an eye I had a cataract done in. However the detachment of vitreous material from the retina coincided with my latest attempt to take ADEX and stay on it. Fortunately, the detachment was not aggressive enough to have tugged on and torn my retina... The long and short is an article I recently read on "ADEX causing increased friction between the retina and eye vitreous..

On ADEX and skin.
Does anyone else have the following issues.?? I have never lasted more than a month on adex 1mg twice a week and due to a rash that forms on my face around the mouth and beard area. But this time I tried to wait it out and see if these side effects would go away. Contrary. The "rash" spread to my forearms where I am pretty much already staph colonized probably from brushing up against dirty cooler handles/shit when walking thru the narrow isles of nasty-ass convenience stores. So I attempted to stay on the adex for almost 2 months and my arms wound up hot and looked like a staph outbreak consuming me before I stopped. In fact I suspect the adex does something to the IMMUNE SYSTEM as the primary mechanism to this skin reaction. Because what I had going on ultimately was a staph infection that my body was behind the count on controlling. But the primary effect of the adex was just hot and stingy skin tissue probably similar to a Stevens Johnson scenario in the making. Before I discontinued this time, there would just be periods in the day that it felt like I could feel staph or some kind of bug just crawling in my skin. Kinda random in timing but usually in the afternoon which is actually morning or mid day for my schedule. Red hot ITCHY AS FUCK Lesions going on. The effect even moved as low as a hip got all hot and puffy with some swollen "juice-lumps" under the skin.

The long and short is that it got so far this time that there were serious open and active lesions on my arms and hands and had me thinking I had pox coming on or something. A buddy saw me the last two days as was like damn that shit has going out of control since I saw you yesterday. I was actually thinking of going to the ER two days ago wondering if I was going to need IV antibiotics. It was really remnant of a strep infection I had once that just had active nasty hot bloody borders just eating away at me. So I had a moment for sure. And consider I had already taken ONLY a half mg this recent Monday making one last effort to stay on it which made no difference as it kicked everything up yet another notch. But then by the Thursday (yesterday) I discontinued and did not take my normal second dose and everything just cooled off and scabbed over very nicely. As of now on Friday everything is pretty much scabbed over and settled down completely. So the skin reaction is pretty immediate and appears to reverse pretty quickly. But I am sure the half dose Monday helped to start clearing things up. I was even outside working on the car today scraping these wounds on stuff and did not even aggravate or hinder the healing process at all. I would imagine I will be totally clear in one more week. Which is actually pretty fast for these type lesions that I normally one or two of every 5 years regardless. Consider these are deep and nasty lesions with hot bloody borders being produced that persisted wherever they started. On top of that I noted that when I made an effort to shave the hair off my forearm to see if that would help me treat the lesions, that wherever the razor nicked me was always an instant lesion that got hot, itchy, bloody, and persisted with fast growth. Which is why I suspect the Adex does something to suppress the immune system's normal capacity to handle even garden variety staph population on the skin... So that is a CONSIDERABLE negative action on the immune if accurate which is significantly SERIOUS in construct.... And I am not ruling our a simply but real SJS syndrome as some times it just felt like my skin was alive with fire and shit moving around in it. We are talking scratch on spot and then the itch moves to another area. But not random. Almost like a path from the place you last scratched..

Its kinda a somber glimmer of death and what the future must be like when we get old enough for that DNA to trigger final dayz and shit shuts down and no longer works right. To think what a quick ticket out if must be even for those that lived successful healthy lives up till that time.

I digress but I still want to know if others have had skin reactions to ADEX and what meds they choose as substitute?

