Aromasin Dosage


New Member
Hey Guys,

Doing a simple Test-E cycle 500mg/week for 12 weeks. I never took Aromasin before but from reading here it sounds like a good idea. I have some 20mg pills , is 1 EOD too much to take starting week 1 ? Or should I start taking it if there is signs of high Estro ? Most people seem to suggest 12.5mg so is taking 20mg going to be too much ? Not sure how to split a 20mg cap.

IMO ** start at week two and take it 2x week. By it's mechanism of action, one dose will keep estro levels lowered for 3-4 days, even though the half- life is much shorter than that. It's also gonna depend on a lot of other factors including the quality of the aromasin. You'll have to tweak to get it right but I think that's a good place to start. If it's dosed properly 3x week max but I think that's too much for 500 test
Hey Guys,

Doing a simple Test-E cycle 500mg/week for 12 weeks. I never took Aromasin before but from reading here it sounds like a good idea. I have some 20mg pills , is 1 EOD too much to take starting week 1 ? Or should I start taking it if there is signs of high Estro ? Most people seem to suggest 12.5mg so is taking 20mg going to be too much ? Not sure how to split a 20mg cap.

All of this guess work could be eliminated by getting your bloods done at the start,mid, and end. Why play a guessing game when you don't have to
I totally agree with getting bloods done but they wont tell him where to start his aromasin dosage, mid cycle will tell him if it's out of range and if what he's doing for e2 control is working or if it needs to change, but they don't help right now.
IMO ** start at week two and take it 2x week. By it's mechanism of action, one dose will keep estro levels lowered for 3-4 days, even though the half- life is much shorter than that. It's also gonna depend on a lot of other factors including the quality of the aromasin. You'll have to tweak to get it right but I think that's a good place to start. If it's dosed properly 3x week max but I think that's too much for 500 test

Thanks for the reply, that's kind of what I am getting more or less the more I read about it. I have ARO from a well known source around here, hope it is good ;)


I had bloods done b4 the cycle but given where I am located , I can't get them re-done for 3 to 6 months so I was just looking for suggestions what to look for before starting ARO and doage.
Bust your pill up, split the powder into 4 piles, suck up one 5mg pile daily. read up on high and low estro signs, adjust accordingly.
id play with your aromasin dose and start low. ive crashed my e2 levels and it sucks ass... my sweet spot is 12.5mg e 3 d so it varies person to person. my friend does 25mg ed
im on it and thinking this stuff feels so mild

i wonder how often people underdose?

how many days should one give it a chance before upping dose?

im wondering if its even possible to crash your e2 with aromasin while on test... starting to doubt that, especially if a little hcg in the mix too

im on 6mg a day and still losing erections off and on, but still get hard and horny, which leads me to believe e2 still too high
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So as I said, I never took it before , I split up 20mg into 3 and took 7.5mg (roughly) this morning , holy shit I was so drowsy for most of the day, very lethargic, tired, I almost dozed off when taking a rest on a bench press between sets :eek:

Is that normal ? or maybe it's too much for me ? IDK but I haven't felt so tired in a long time as I did today.