Author of Spiral of Denial says steroid testing could bankrupt high school football

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Author Matt Chaney says steroids are poison for high school and small-college football programs - and he's not talking about the drugs' impact on young livers and joints.

Chaney, the author of the recently published "Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American Football," says steroid use has made student-athletes bigger and stronger, which has led to a disturbing jump in injuries - and a dramatic increase in insurance costs. Chaney predicts school districts and small colleges will eventually drop football. The game will become a club sport, with parents and players assuming responsibility for the costs and liability.

"People are deluded if they think this can continue," says Chaney, who is in New York this week to promote the book. "There is a day of reckoning ahead."

Drug testing, he says, is not the answer. There are 1.5 million students playing football at middle schools and high schools. "We do not have the resources for this," Chaney says.Embedded Image Unvailable