Axle Labs Masteron Enanthate 400 Janoshik test results

I don't even want to know what sort of solvents a nearly 500mg/ml mast e took.

20% overdosed is a major red flag.
I don't even want to know what sort of solvents a nearly 500mg/ml mast e took.

20% overdosed is a major red flag.
With 45-50% BB Castor I can make
Mast e 400 (I am sure I could probably push it to 500.)
Test Base 50mg/ml

Mast is pretty easy to manage.

not giving an excuse for the poor weighing
Reflects our own overdosed test results we had shared. It has been scaled back!

It was overdosed due to thinking the raws had lower purity. Clearly raw purity was fixed and now we test every brewed batch as well.

All this covered in our thread pages ago :)

Thanks for testing!