BA/BB for EQ, Primo, Test P and Mast P / Injectable Orals recipes


I was wondering what the lowest BA/BB percentage that you could go with for 500mg/ml EQ, 200mg/ml, 100mg/ml Test P&Mast P without increasing PIP?
So basically what would be a good/the best solvent percentage for optimal pip/health ratio as I rather want to use a lower amount of solvents for health/longevity reasons?

Also, are there recipes for injectable dbol, injectable var, injectable proviron (both in oil) without guaiacol? If it is possible ofc. Im okay with higher percentage EO and other solvents for this, just not guac.

Lastly, do I need a magnetic stirrer with heat plate that can go up to the melting temperature of said orals ~200 degrees celsius (~400 degrees fahrenheit)?
My EQ is maximal 200mg/ml.
I am using 2%BA and 16%BB. I use also Mig812 as carrier. No problems. No crash

Test Propionate 100mg and Masteron Propionate also 100mg. For the recipes i am using 1 %BA for
Both and 15%BB. Also Mig812 as carrier.
Healthy and longevity it is directly Connected with other things like : raws purity, finished oil concentration, how much do you take, blood work, and much more.

A magnetic stirrer with hot plate and temperature control. The melting points from your raws are different

Why do you want to do injectable version from orals? What for? Go for solution, not suspension. It is better.

Good luck.
My EQ is maximal 200mg/ml.
I am using 2%BA and 16%BB. I use also Mig812 as carrier. No problems. No crash

Test Propionate 100mg and Masteron Propionate also 100mg. For the recipes i am using 1 %BA for
Both and 15%BB. Also Mig812 as carrier.
Healthy and longevity it is directly Connected with other things like : raws purity, finished oil concentration, how much do you take, blood work, and much more.

A magnetic stirrer with hot plate and temperature control. The melting points from your raws are different

Why do you want to do injectable version from orals? What for? Go for solution, not suspension. It is better.

Good luck.
im fine with ed pins but not taking tablets multiple times a day so injectable orals sound nice.
ive seen a lot of high dosed eq with low solvents and not causing pip, so why not. i have the option to get a 400 fahrenheit /200 celsius heat plate stirrer but i can get one that can get hotter for more or one that doesnt go up to 200/400 for less. thats why im asking
The one that get to 200 Celsius is more then perfect. From my experience a higher concentration of compround doesnt mean that your body will absorb it complete.
The one that get to 200 Celsius is more then perfect. From my experience a higher concentration of compround doesnt mean that your body will absorb it complete.
I was just curious as wether i had to heat the oil to the temperature the raws melt as the melting temperature for the orals is pretty high at around 200 celsius
I have a different point of view about orals. Never converted them to suspension. Tabs or capsules, or another solutions.
EQ 300mg/ml 1/15 BA/BB in MCT
Test p/Mast p 100mg/ml 1/18 BA/BB in MCT

Injectible orals need either need either low concentrations or EO/gua. And not all orals can be made into a solution. Dbol/SD yes. Never saw proviron inj.
EQ 300mg/ml 1/15 BA/BB in MCT
Test p/Mast p 100mg/ml 1/18 BA/BB in MCT

Injectible orals need either need either low concentrations or EO/gua. And not all orals can be made into a solution. Dbol/SD yes. Never saw proviron inj.
First, thank you. The Test P/Mast P isnt a blend, right?
Second, I saw Dbol made of course, but im also going to try Var at 30mg/ml in 2/30-40 with 50/50 EO/Mig840. Orals seem to need lots of heat, so I bought a Heat Plate Stirrer that can go up pretty high.
We‘ll see
First, thank you. The Test P/Mast P isnt a blend, right?
Second, I saw Dbol made of course, but im also going to try Var at 30mg/ml in 2/30-40 with 50/50 EO/Mig840. Orals seem to need lots of heat, so I bought a Heat Plate Stirrer that can go up pretty high.
We‘ll see
No Tes/Mast p are not a blend but can be done afaik maybe with a little pip? Never made it myself though.
As for orals to inj, I get with harsher compound the need to avoid first pass to the liver, but with var and proviron does it really worth the trouble of daily or even 2x/day injections?

I dunno.

Plus, EO is a known plasticizer, I would personally avoid putting something like that in my body in considerable amounts for extended periods of time. I get using it as a solvent in trying to up the concentration but 50% for daily inj, I would be reluctant
No Tes/Mast p are not a blend but can be done afaik maybe with a little pip? Never made it myself though.
As for orals to inj, I get with harsher compound the need to avoid first pass to the liver, but with var and proviron does it really worth the trouble of daily or even 2x/day injections?

I dunno.

Plus, EO is a known plasticizer, I would personally avoid putting something like that in my body in considerable amounts for extended periods of time. I get using it as a solvent in trying to up the concentration but 50% for daily inj, I would be reluctant
I know about EO. I will obviously try to lower the EO amount in these brews, im confident I can do 25/75 EO/Mig for the Dbol at same concentration and for the anavar maybe 30/70 or even less as the 50/50 were from a 30/30/20 recipe of test base/tren base/var.
I know about EO. I will obviously try to lower the EO amount in these brews, im confident I can do 25/75 EO/Mig for the Dbol at same concentration and for the anavar maybe 30/70 or even less as the 50/50 were from a 30/30/20 recipe of test base/tren base/var.
Let us know how it goes!
I was wondering what the lowest BA/BB percentage that you could go with for 500mg/ml EQ, 200mg/ml, 100mg/ml Test P&Mast P without increasing PIP?
So basically what would be a good/the best solvent percentage for optimal pip/health ratio as I rather want to use a lower amount of solvents for health/longevity reasons?

Also, are there recipes for injectable dbol, injectable var, injectable proviron (both in oil) without guaiacol? If it is possible ofc. Im okay with higher percentage EO and other solvents for this, just not guac.

Lastly, do I need a magnetic stirrer with heat plate that can go up to the melting temperature of said orals ~200 degrees celsius (~400 degrees fahrenheit)?
I wouldn’t make crazy high mg gear and most will hold at 15-18%bb and I use 1% ba…inj dbol I’ll make I use ethyl oleate
50mg is as high as I’d go it crashed at 75mg
Methandienone powder
The remaining oil I use almost half ethyl oleate and half grapeseed(gso worked better for me than mct for this)
It’s actually like 60:40 gso: eo
Worked very good but it puffed my nipple up real bad it’s the only uncommon thing that I make it good to make standard things In real doses