Bad pip?


New Member
So did my 10th injection of Test E yesterday morning and my left glute started aching a few hours after the injection, today I woke up because I was laying on my left side and the pain from the glute woke me up. Ive never had anything as bad as this, the area isn't swollen but it's hot and firm, not red either. Just hot/firm and painful. And yes I did aspirate and no blood, the injection was done the same way as the other 9 injections Ive done. The dosage was 1ml/250mg

Is this something to be worried about or should I just give it a few days or perhaps pop some antibiotics? I'd love going to the doctor but will only go if it doesn't get better as I don't have insurance.
Thanks for reading this, hope you'll have a great day.
Well, this is the first thread i have seen about PIP. This is definetly not something you could have searched for on here and found an answer to.

I will offer you some advise but use it wisely, MAN THE FUCK UP!!!
Well, this is the first thread i have seen about PIP. This is definetly not something you could have searched for on here and found an answer to.

I will offer you some advise but use it wisely, MAN THE FUCK UP!!!

Thanks for your wonderful advice, I know I could have searched but don't feel like going through 100 threads, I also wonder why on every forum you get called out for posting a thread, it just keeps the forum more active so I see no harm done. With your logic your comment is just as useless as this thread. I came here asking for advice, that's all. I also got a fever, 37,9 c.

If you're just here to troll me you might as well not waste your time and post something dumb, thanks.
Thanks for your wonderful advice, I know I could have searched but don't feel like going through 100 threads, I also wonder why on every forum you get called out for posting a thread, it just keeps the forum more active so I see no harm done. With your logic your comment is just as useless as this thread. I came here asking for advice, that's all. I also got a fever, 37,9 c.

If you're just here to troll me you might as well not waste your time and post something dumb, thanks.
You dont feel like searching thru 100's of pages huh? Do you want to use one of my 10 month olds bibs while you cry about being spoon fed?

Pip is part of injecting deal with it. Was that better for you ?
You dont feel like searching thru 100's of pages huh? Do you want to use one of my 10 month olds bibs while you cry about being spoon fed?

Pip is part of injecting deal with it. Was that better for you ?

I am very much aware that PIP is part of the deal, what I'm saying is this isn't something I've experienced in the past, not to this extent, hence why I came here asking for advice. I'm not sure what the big deal is about making a new thread instead of searching for something, like I said, keeps the forum more active. I am sorry if I have offended you by posting this thread.
I am very much aware that PIP is part of the deal, what I'm saying is this isn't something I've experienced in the past, not to this extent, hence why I came here asking for advice. I'm not sure what the big deal is about making a new thread instead of searching for something, like I said, keeps the forum more active. I am sorry if I have offended you by posting this thread.
If your lazy ass would of done some actual research before pinning your shot you would no all about pip my friend, then you would not only of not had to search but also not got your arse ripped apart for being a little what's the word bitch? and back chatting more experienced members.
I am very much aware that PIP is part of the deal, what I'm saying is this isn't something I've experienced in the past, not to this extent, hence why I came here asking for advice. I'm not sure what the big deal is about making a new thread instead of searching for something, like I said, keeps the forum more active. I am sorry if I have offended you by posting this thread.
But honestly it's not like a big search mate just look a page or two in there is so so many posts about pip hot baths help heat your gear before you pin you will be fine mate. :)
If your lazy ass would of done some actual research before pinning your shot you would no all about pip my friend, then you would not only of not had to search but also not got your arse ripped apart for being a little what's the word bitch? and back chatting more experienced members.

I am by no means back chatting any experienced members, I don't consider myself experienced at all as this is my first cycle ever, I have never claimed to be an expert in this field or else I wouldn't drag my ass onto this forum and ask you questions, I've done all the standard things in an attempt to reduce the PIP, injecting slowly, massaging the area, going for a walk to get it moving etc. I did research the subject for a good two to three months before going on a cycle but it is totally different experiencing it first hand than just reading about it.

I'd love for you to tell me what else I can do to reduce the PIP for future references. Thank you.
But honestly it's not like a big search mate just look a page or two in there is so so many posts about pip hot baths help heat your gear before you pin you will be fine mate. :)

Alright awesome, thank you for your answer, that is the first decent comment on this thread so far regarding what I can do to reduce the pain, appreciate it.
The reason they get pissed is that pretty much every day someone makes a new thread about pip. I'd hate to guess how many posts you'd find that were made in the last month similar to yours. Some even have pics. It's borderline ridiculous.
If the area is hot ur body is fighting infection. The vial could've been contaminated or something or u didn't do proper cleaning before injection
So did my 10th injection of Test E yesterday morning and my left glute started aching a few hours after the injection, today I woke up because I was laying on my left side and the pain from the glute woke me up. Ive never had anything as bad as this, the area isn't swollen but it's hot and firm, not red either. Just hot/firm and painful. And yes I did aspirate and no blood, the injection was done the same way as the other 9 injections Ive done. The dosage was 1ml/250mg

Is this something to be worried about or should I just give it a few days or perhaps pop some antibiotics? I'd love going to the doctor but will only go if it doesn't get better as I don't have insurance.
Thanks for reading this, hope you'll have a great day.
It sounds like tissue damage/ irritation from the injection. Don't be running to your gp just yet.
It could be a week before that knot is gone. It takes several days to get an abscess. You could have been moving the needle while injecting. Using the same gear, I have had injections that caused pip and injections that went smooth. Whats the variable?

if you get an abscess, you will know. There will be no guessing.