Best anabolics for heavy 9-5 job work load adjustment and excellence


New Member
In everybodys experience, what gear in what dosages and administration frequencys, what gear is on the list for best for making a guy an absolute savage on the job.

Like shit like tren is off the table, anger issues with jackass coworkers
cuts down on cardio capabilies... ect

Im not much of a gym rat anymore. I ice my trt cake with gear that makes me stand out around seasoned hard working motherfuckwrs.

Already been accused of being on meth and steroids by employers when i wasnt, so far ao good with the little bits of this anf that ive tried. But with meso being a fuckinh beautiful repository of experience and knowlege, ask i will.

Idk if i need to know, been told to do the work of one employee not three already but breaking a sweat anf doing something right well and excelling on the job is one of my major points of pride. Who dosnt love being a precious commodity anf asset to thier employer?? lol thanks ahead of time
If you're saying your work ethic is already so intense that you get accused of doing dope and being on gear then why would you need gear to make you have a strong work ethic?

I don't know that steroids is the answer to those goals, but maybe someone smarter than I can help direct you. I can see this being a reason if you have low T and it's making work hard...then maybe getting on TRT could help. However if your T is normal then running a blast for 15 weeks just to work extra hard doesn't make a lot of sense. What are you going to do when you cycle off?

To help answer you people are going to want to know your age, height and weight as well.
If you're saying your work ethic is already so intense that you get accused of doing dope and being on gear then why would you need gear to make you have a strong work ethic?

I don't know that steroids is the answer to those goals, but maybe someone smarter than I can help direct you. I can see this being a reason if you have low T and it's making work hard...then maybe getting on TRT could help. However if your T is normal then running a blast for 15 weeks just to work extra hard doesn't make a lot of sense. What are you going to do when you cycle off?

To help answer you people are going to want to know your age, height and weight as well.
age 32, height 5 feet 3 inches of beefy 157lbs frodo... lol its not the work ethic needing a boost and i asked becaise there are friends of mine working oil rigs mineing and heavy industry that i assume there would be some around here too that the specific question being asked could benefit others..

As for me i have a permanant 6 pack eating garbage and veins up my thighs shoulders and over most of my back running just 300 test no ai needed. God took some height but ive been acused of steroids prior to me knowing what a vial looked like of anything but the vaccinations forced on people growing up. But i do think singling out the specifics in the initial post would be helpful.

Everything having side effects, bloodwork tells long term and neurological effects id assume with how much is available out there, there are some that shine in that.
On permanent trt due to a long run with i.v heroin fucking my hpta... then having that damage solidified by yhe suboxone long term treatment that got me clean years back
Deca might not be a bad option. It might be something that a TRT clinic could prescribe you alongside testosterone. Deca has been shown to help joint issues and all types of nandrolone have been shown to be favorable steroids for endurance and athletic performance.

I definitely wouldn’t recommend going with such a high dose that you have to cycle off because you will just feel like crap during your off cycles. Also deca is usually ran at half the dose of your dose of testosterone to prevent libido issues.
Tren at gram a week is your fast track into management. There will be no problems at work place your rage can't solve. Yelling at employees and giving them the literal whip will increase efficiency at any pyramid building site.
Test, primo, and cardarine. Research them all and make up your own mind. And some good GH if your pockets are deep enough. Legit pharma is better due to less carpal tunnel syndrome associated, but it is far from cheap.