Best Injection Sites w/ Loose Skin


New Member
I have a considerable amount of loose skin mainly around my chest and abdomen, but also on my legs. Because of this, and being new to needles, I am not confident in injecting anywhere that doesn't seem tight and lean, which knocks out some of the most common spots like my ass. So far, I've only been pinning my delts but I'm worried about possible scar tissue or other issues (arising from injection frequency, obviously if it was 1x/wk that wouldn't be an issue). I've been looking at lats, traps, and possibly quads (although I've been told quad PIP is a BITCH). Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Am I just being paranoid about issues arising from injection frequency? Good spots for people with lots of fat / similar shit in the way of the muscle?
I don't understand what's wrong with people like you. What are your worries? Do you think you're too fat that the needle won't reach the muscle? If so, how about losing weight first to reach a suitable physical base for steroid use? Keywords aromatase activity and blood pressure et cetera.
What about glutes?
Quad? (about Pip - don't be a cunt)
i used to be pinning my delts twice a week , but like you i was worried about scar tissue buildup so i made the quad my next spot i have had bad experience before injecting in quad but i tried again and it was the smoothest injection ever! i use a 25gx1" setup and its perfect might give that quad shot a try
Quads are not bad at all if you go SLOW when pinning. If you get close to a nerve while going slow you will know before hitting that nerve and have time to reset the needle. Don't just stab the needle in and you will be fine.
I don't understand what's wrong with people like you. What are your worries? Do you think you're too fat that the needle won't reach the muscle? If so, how about losing weight first to reach a suitable physical base for steroid use? Keywords aromatase activity and blood pressure et cetera.
What about glutes?
Quad? (about Pip - don't be a cunt)
chill. my worries are it being a much more complex injection than pinning my lean, round shoulder, given that there is so much shit in the way. no, I'm 217lbs rn, but in no world "too fat". not sure if aromatization and bp are relevant in the context of me pinning l-carnitine IM. haven't tried glutes but that's one of the locations I hold much more loose skin. based on your and everyone else's responses I might try quad and j be a bit more careful with it

also, not to sound like a pussy, but a 1.5" needle is terrifying when you're "used" (I've only pinned a handful of times now) to .5"
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Loose skin shouldn't be an issue. As long as you're not wiggling around all over the place. 1" needle is all you need. Learn your muscle groups. Delts you have rear, mid, and front. Rear and front I wouldn't go over 2ml. Front I do 3ml pretty easy but if you're lower on the muscle mass stick to 2ml. Learn to find your VG 3ml easy. Lats are a large muscle and are great for injections 3ml no problem.

I'd skip calves, arms, and abs for sure. I dont do quads anymore fuck that. I cant reach my ass anymore so thats a no go. And what kind of asshole gives you shit about loose skin. Loose skin means you are committed and lost a shit ton of weight!
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I have a considerable amount of loose skin mainly around my chest and abdomen, but also on my legs. Because of this, and being new to needles, I am not confident in injecting anywhere that doesn't seem tight and lean, which knocks out some of the most common spots like my ass. So far, I've only been pinning my delts but I'm worried about possible scar tissue or other issues (arising from injection frequency, obviously if it was 1x/wk that wouldn't be an issue). I've been looking at lats, traps, and possibly quads (although I've been told quad PIP is a BITCH). Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Am I just being paranoid about issues arising from injection frequency? Good spots for people with lots of fat / similar shit in the way of the muscle?
I would give ventroglutes a shot if you are A: Lean enough in that area or B: have long enough inj. needles. Would definitely give calves a shot, they are a very easy muscle to pin. PIP doesn't happen to me even in Ventroglute. Calves are a bit more sensitive.