blood work help ? high estrogen


New Member
Hey guys, I got a full fairly comprehensive panel of blood work done and I'm alarmed at my estradiol and some of my other levels. This was done at the end of week 6. I've been on 500mg Test E a week. The first 6 weeks I ran T-bol at 50 mg a day. I ended that at 6 weeks. I have been running proviron 50 mg a day and arimidex .25 EOD. I feel great and have gain over 15 pounds of weight already while putting 40 pounds on my bench max. I haven't noticed any signs for high estrogen. But the blood work shows its very high. Should I bump my adex dosage. I also have aromisin on hand. not sure if I should switch to that. also some of my other levels are out of range. I have been taking NAC, tudca, and milk thistle for liver healthy. I'm currently. at 5'8 212 pounds with about 12% body fat. This is my 5th or 6th cycle. But first one since 2016 and first time taking bloods. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

abnormal results
My estradiol is 84
MY Test is 2081
Free test is 775
AST is 55
ALT is 57
LH is 0.4
T3 -41
Free T4 1.3
TSH is 6.15
urea nitrogen is 27
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Your adex is likely underdosed. That being said, if you're not having any side effects (gyno, excessive water retention, acne) and you feel great mentally and sexually then I'd just continue to do what you're doing since you're progressing so well. Don't try to treat side effects that aren't there. Just my 2 cents brotha.
I'd run my estrogen in the 80's on cycle if I didn't get gyno symptoms. I wouldn't change anything. Do you have other cycles and labs to compare your e and dosages to? I don't see why the adex has to be underdosed. Just a little more than you're taking puts me in the 40's, though. 1mg a week on 500mg
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You should re-test again .. but this time .5 eod.. and before you throw another AI you should educate yourself on exactly how they works differently than the rest
I'd run my estrogen in the 80's on cycle if I didn't get gyno symptoms. I wouldn't change anything. Do you have other cycles and labs to compare your e and dosages to? I don't see why the adex has to be underdosed. Just a little more than you're taking puts me in the 40's, though. 1mg a week on 500mg

My estrogen is within normal range when I’m not on cycle. Unfortunately I have never gotten old work done on a cycle before. I know that is really an novice mistake. I’m trying to do everything right this time. I’m thinking to bump dose up slightly to ,.5 EOD and get bloods done again in 2 weeks
My estrogen is within normal range when I’m not on cycle. Unfortunately I have never gotten old work done on a cycle before. I know that is really an novice mistake. I’m trying to do everything right this time. I’m thinking to bump dose up slightly to ,.5 EOD and get bloods done again in 2 weeks

A little piece of advice here..not everyone is gonna react the same.. it may work for one person but not the same for You.. the amount of money you spend on PEDs why skimp out on bloodwork..
A little piece of advice here..not everyone is gonna react the same.. it may work for one person but not the same for You.. the amount of money you spend on PEDs why skimp out on bloodwork..

absolutely agree, I’ve learned my lesson and now will get bloods as much as needed to properly adjust my cycle
absolutely agree, I’ve learned my lesson and now will get bloods as much as needed to properly adjust my cycle
Once you get a good idea on what you need , you’ll be able to dial it in without.. I don’t recommend it though .. your body does react differently at times .. it’ll show .. especially if you can’t get it up ..
It's not that bad dude. Alt and ast are slightly elevated probably from the orals and training hard does it as well. When your muscles break down it sends the same shit into your blood as if your liver is stressed. (Basic explanation) If you're not getting gyno or high e2 sides don't stress it. Estrogen is necessary for growth. I know guys that can get away with no a.i. because they don't get sides at all and they grow more. I saw mentioned that your a.i. may be underdosed, it'd be something to look into but if you're not getting sides dont stress it. You'll know if you get them. Gyno is noticeable, or if your watching a commercial on TV and start crying or something.