Blood work result quite surprising


Hi, two weeks ago I started my first Testosterone C cycle. I am 45 years old, male.
I train 5 times a week and on a diet (30/30/30 around 2'200 cal).

This blood test was done before starting the cycle but the doctor was super late and I got the results today.
What surprise me most is the testosterone, I do not believe I had so much so I wonder if now my cycle of 350mg/week is going to screw up everything. Also the LDL is high despite my diet is really super clean, I am around 16/17 BF so I am concerned it might increase if I take Anavar at the end of my cycle.

I will have a new exam end of May in a different lab, after 4 weeks into the cycle.

Can you share some thoughts please?

Ferritin354 ug/l30290
Urea9.6 mmol/l2.58.3
LDL3.2 mmol/l03
Testosterone0.85 nmol/l0.160.43
CRP2 mg/l05
Iron24.3 umol/l1229
Creatinine103 umol/l53115
Total Colesterol5.60 mmol/l3.76.7
HDL1.5 mmol/l110
Triglucerid1.64 mmol/l0.552
ASAT (AST)32 U/l1050
GGT (Liver)29 U/l1264
CK (Creatine)129 U/l45200
TSH1.55 mU/l0.274.2
Free T4151019`
Cortisol6.42 nmol/l5.523
After some reading I think the LDL is slightly higher because I eat 2 eggs each morning, which I will soon switch to another source of protein, for example white egg and because I eat also plenty of diary to increase my protein intake, like yogurt and milk
I also will start to take Omega3 which should help too.
How much is it 0.85 nmol/L in conventional testosterone measurements like ng/dL or ng/mL ?
Cholesterol is not great, anavar will trash your HDL even more. Do tons of cardio and eat very clean.
Mistake. The conversion is:

24.51 ng/dL
245 ng/L

For me is low. My doctor said for being 45 years old is above average
That number is very very low. Have you used anything in the past or recently that would shut you down like that?
No nothing except Tribulus. I used tribulus the last 90 days but my willy wasn’t exactly performing
In fact I am on my second week Testo C and I feel already a difference but I have zero libido.
No nothing except Tribulus. I used tribulus the last 90 days but my willy wasn’t exactly performing
In fact I am on my second week Testo C and I feel already a difference but I have zero libido.
Give 2 or 3 more weeks. Libido should improve.
I did some math with my mom. LDL 3.2 mmol/l is 128 which is not bad. My mom had 400
Action: during the entire testo cycle I removed eggs in morning and replaced with Cottage no fat or White eggs. Today I bought Omega-3 EPA in pharmacy which are specific for Cholesterol. Let’s see by 6th of June what the new analysis will show up.
From the information you've provided, it appears that your ferritin levels are elevated, which could indicate an excess of stored iron in your body, also urea levels are slightly above the reference range, which could be influenced by factors such as protein intake or hydration status. Regarding your LDL cholesterol, although you mentioned following a clean diet, it's worth noting that genetics and other factors can affect cholesterol levels.
From the information you've provided, it appears that your ferritin levels are elevated, which could indicate an excess of stored iron in your body, also urea levels are slightly above the reference range, which could be influenced by factors such as protein intake or hydration status. Regarding your LDL cholesterol, although you mentioned following a clean diet, it's worth noting that genetics and other factors can affect cholesterol levels.
Yes actually my parents are both with high cholesterol so I need to pay extra attention. I will do another test in a different lab end of month. I don’t have much trust in the quality of the results
Your body makes most all the cholesterol that is in it. And you have almost twice the amount of T that is the top of the range. If you convert your test level you also need to convert the range as T levels are not an exact measurement they are compared to the range the lab uses and not all labs are the same. What would be low at one lab can be high at another. But it appears your body is making a lot of cholesterol as it thinks it needs very high t levels.
Your body makes most all the cholesterol that is in it. And you have almost twice the amount of T that is the top of the range. If you convert your test level you also need to convert the range as T levels are not an exact measurement they are compared to the range the lab uses and not all labs are the same. What would be low at one lab can be high at another. But it appears your body is making a lot of cholesterol as it thinks it needs very high t levels.
So do you think that now that I use Testo C 350mg my body should lower the production of cholesterol? I am trying to think logically
So do you think that now that I use Testo C 350mg my body should lower the production of cholesterol? I am trying to think logically
Find a competent doctor, do not ask random dudes who inject substances from the internet. BTW, i don't know where you got the idea that testosterone lowers cholesterol.

Good luck.
I did some math with my mom. LDL 3.2 mmol/l is 128 which is not bad. My mom had 400
Action: during the entire testo cycle I removed eggs in morning and replaced with Cottage no fat or White eggs. Today I bought Omega-3 EPA in pharmacy which are specific for Cholesterol. Let’s see by 6th of June what the new analysis will show up.
I don’t think eggs are the problem. What you need is to get more fiber in. I would aim for 50-60g per day.
So do you think that now that I use Testo C 350mg my body should lower the production of cholesterol? I am trying to think logically
For people on true TRT cholesterol levels can be lowered as your body does not need to make as much. But once a person starts on a cycle it throws everything off. My cholesterol levels stay the same on a cycle but others often go up quite a bit