Blood work results, advice on how much Ai


New Member
Gday fellas I got my bloods done yesterday and I have received the results this morning.
can I please get any advice and help and education on the results please.
I ordered just the basic 4 hormone test to keep it simple as I know my estrogen is high started to get little white head pimples on my shoulder's in the last 2-3 days .
I have had plenty Anastrozole, clomid, Tamodex, cabergoline on hand but have not wanted to touch until I got my bloods. I didn't want to guess this time
Anyway is there any advice you can please give me I would appreciate your time .
Isnt E2 supposed to be around 50 pmo1/L
So mine is threw the roof and into the sky

How much Anastrozole should I start to take Ed/Eod or every 3 -4 days

Your help would be awesome

2021 cycle
Source 1 bad Test E pip

My test E & deca. all plus 10%
1ml test E 300mg/ml plus 10%
1ml Deca 300mg/ml plus 10%

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml


1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml

1.5 ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/m

New source 2, no test E pip so far
My test E, decca ,prope plus 10%
1ml test E 300mg/ml plus 10%
1ml Deca 300mg/ml plus 10%
0.5ml propionate

1ml test E 300mg/ml
1ml Deca 300mg/ml
0.5ml propionate
1/2 Anastrozole 1mg

I waited 48 hours after pin to get bloodwork


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I'm also confused with the conversion
I see other blood work results
can I get help with conversions

I wanna know if I 100% should throw 1st can see where I started and stopped 1st source 14.11.21-12.12.21
Second source is gtg I started 16.12.21
Prope , test E , deca

Genuinely confused
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So I think I got it

Testosterone 248nmol/L=7153ng/dl=71.53ng/ml

Free testosterone
8781pmol/L=682.2837 ng/dl=3907.8772 ng/ml

Estradiol 467pmol/L=36.2859 ng/dl

I think I got this right wow what a head f*#k I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
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So I think I got it

Testosterone 248nmol/L=7153ng/dl=71.53ng/ml

Free testosterone
8781pmol/L=682.2837 ng/dl=3907.8772 ng/ml

Estradiol 467pmol/L=36.2859 ng/dl

I think I got this right wow what a head f*#k I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
If you are using Testosterone and Nandrolone while getting tested, unless it is an ultrasensitive test LC/MS for Testosterone, test will show wrong values due to nandrolone being identified as testosterone.

Same happens with Trenbolone and Estradiol, tren will give fake E2 unless ultrasensitive LC/MS testing method is used.
Thankyou Alphalfa
So would this be the right one ?

E2 + Testosterone LCMS​

LC-MS is the method, although there is another one called tandem MS which is LC-MS/MS called ultrasensitive, but I think it should be enough to just identify the testosterone from the nandrolone.

Anyways if you are only interested in the E2 reading now, and you are not using trenbolone, just stick with it. Non-sensitive E2 values are usually a bit higher than ultrasensitive E2 test, so you should be on the safe side.

If you do not have any real side, I would not touch anything. E2 ranges only apply for normal testosterone levels, you are obviously not using testosterone on its range neither.