Blood Work Review - Ready to start TRT?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I had a blood panel done back in February. Here's an overview:

Total T - 540 ng/dL
Free T - 8.37 pg/mL
Estradiol - 21.55 pg/mL
SHBG - 31.53 nmol/L
Albumin - 4.53 g/dL (60.7%)
LH - 7.13 mIU/mL
FSH - 2.74 mIU/mL

I had some more bloodwork done last week ordered by the doc:

Total T - 513 ng/dL
Free T - 14.97 pg/mL
Prolactin - 253 μUI/mL
PSA - 0.766 ng/mL

HDL Cholesterol - 52 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol - 189 mg/dL
Total Cholesterol - 258 mg/dL
Triglycerides - 188 mg/dL

Is it safe to say Free T is way too low in both cases? The reference range I see online is 35 - 155 pg/mL. The lab I tested with defines the range as 7 - 22 pg/mL (no clue where they got that from).

In any case, I've got most low T symptoms, including no morning wood since basically puberty ended, and low libido. Doc isn't taking me seriously either and won't prescribe TRT.

So I'm thinking to start TRT on my own. I'm thinking to start by making my own T cream to apply on the scrotum, and see how that goes. I don't see myself pinning every couple of days for the rest of my life.

I am however worried about my lipid profile, triglycerides in particular. Is it wise to start TRT with this lipid profile or should I bring down my values first before starting?
You’re not going to get trt at those levels or would be advised to do so. That’s why your doctor isn’t taking you seriously nor should anyone here. Your lh/fsh is completely normal, free t and your testosterone is fine.

I just saw your 30. Your levels are good for that age. Basically where you should be.

What it looks like is your unhealthy though with your not so great lipids and you eat shit. If you aren’t already taken steroids. I’d say go get healthy and watch your testosterone rise. Go take a test booster if you think your to low. Not TRT.

TRT isn’t fun. It’s a life long commitment.

You probably won’t listen because you won’t listen to a professional doctor and come to a forum for advice. In that case look into Hcg as a last resort
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Your intro post doesn’t mention anything about lifting or any health goals besides TRT. I bet you could pump those numbers up quite a bit with regular exercise and a decent diet. Go squat heavy for a 6-8 weeks and then get your T checked again. I guarantee you’ll see a difference.
You guys make some valid points. Thanks a lot for the advice!

I usually eat healthy, although indeed lately I've been eating more garbage than usual. Lipids back in February for example were fine. As mentioned I've been having my symptoms for pretty much all my adult life, this isn't something new due to unhealthy eating.

Regarding heavy squats, that's not really doable for me personally, as I have scoliosis. I've only had periods of around 6 months at a time of exercising, but can't say that ever did anything for my symptoms. But I will go back into the gym soon regardless.

Indeed if my hormones are all normal perhaps it wouldn't make much sense messing with TRT. Would enclomiphene be a better idea? I just want to try a low risk way of significantly raising my T and see if that helps with symptoms.
As the range for those test were not included it is hard to say where you are actually at as ranges change form lab to lab and sometimes by a wide margin. But a rough guess would seem to say you are fine.
I would not chase medication when exercise is your main issue. Clean it up, exercise, and you’ll see a higher level naturally.

Or you could go split wood for an hour a day. It produces a higher rise in testosterone than playing soccer. That’s a low risk way of raising it.

Wood Splitting Study

You mention your symptoms include morning wood and libido. I’m not being accusatory but pornography can cause this.
I would not chase medication when exercise is your main issue. Clean it up, exercise, and you’ll see a higher level naturally.

Or you could go split wood for an hour a day. It produces a higher rise in testosterone than playing soccer. That’s a low risk way of raising it.

Wood Splitting Study

You mention your symptoms include morning wood and libido. I’m not being accusatory but pornography can cause this.
I watch porn occasionaly, probably less than the average guy. Maybe 2-3 times a month. Plus, I've had this since I was like 18, so really doubt it has anything to do with porn.

Another weird symptom I have is I have almost no sensitivity in my dick. Like it's almost numb. Which I saw is another symptom of low T.

Overall it's a very weird thing, as I have a lot of symptoms of low T, while my T is actually fine.

I did some more research, and my free T is actually measured on a different standard, which has a reference range of 7 - 22 pg/mL, and mine was 14.97 on the last test, perfectly fine.

While I should be going to the gym regularly anyway as part of a healthy lifestyle, gym has never done anything for me to improve any symptoms. But the most gym I've done consecutively was 6 months. Maybe that's not enough time?

Has anyone ever experienced low T symptoms while being within a normal range? Would low DHT maybe cause these symptoms instead? I haven't tested DHT yet at all. Would it be worth to test it?