Blood Work - When to do after cycle


New Member
Hey Meso community,

I've read many different articles and forums talking about when to draw blood after a cycle. I was on for 10 months, with 2 cruises in between.

I used slow ester test, Cyp and Entanthate depending what i could have on hand. I read wait 10-14 days after long esters,

I talked to my coach and he said wait 3-4 weeks so everything is out the body, but start PCT now til 3 weeks to get bloodwork is done. I was going to go the route of my coach, but I know my bloods will look like shit after being on for so long (in my opinion) I think considering I just finished a competition prep cycle running the most compounds I ever did.

Lab work question too --- I see ,, all for different tests. Discountlabs offer the kidney test with their bodybuilding bloodwork panel while lifeextension does not but offers the Thyroid tests in their Complete male test panel, while Discountlabs does not.

It's a trade off, which 1 would you guys recommend? I feel like the kidney health is more important as thyroid health can be managed better through diet and supplements.
IMO if you’re only doing it once do your full PCT and take bloodwork after.

Put yourself on a full regimen of health supps thru pct for heart/kidneys/liver/inflammation and run a complete PCT.

Use bloodwork to check recovery of both health and HPTA function, but 3/4 weeks post is far too early. A suitable PCT will last atleast 8 weeks with the weeks off everything prior and a full run of your choice of pct drugs.
IMO if you’re only doing it once do your full PCT and take bloodwork after.

Put yourself on a full regimen of health supps thru pct for heart/kidneys/liver/inflammation and run a complete PCT.

Use bloodwork to check recovery of both health and HPTA function, but 3/4 weeks post is far too early. A suitable PCT will last atleast 8 weeks with the weeks off everything prior and a full run of your choice of pct drugs.
Brother, thank you for that information. Very much.
I appreciate the detail. I will definitely add this to my arsenal of knowledge