Bloods help


New Member
Using clomid ED, nolva EOD, shot my hcg, test is still tanked and left nuts still riding high, 11 weeks since last pin after a 6 month blast,

Test is - 11.4 nmol/L
Estradiol and all other markers are on track and looking good.
IGF-1 - 251 ug/L with marker stating *HI*
Testing done at lifelabs as usual, I've never done igf before so I have no baseline, my test however is in the shitter compared to precycle. Any idea of if its just a time thing or if I managed to fuck myself in some way? I was running T400 and Tren E like I always do just this time my bodys not bouncing back.
Well, that is low end of normal. Did it give you LH and FSH numbers?

It has been 11 weeks, but you have been doing all of this climid, nova, hcg, and so on.

You need a couple of months with nothing to really find out what your natty levels are. All of the other stuff is still messing with your hormone levels.

As for IGF-1, if you are not injecting growth hormone, or taking anything else that would affect IGF-1, then 251 is your baseline.

To answer your question at the end of your post, it is a time thing. Very few are willing to wait patiently for the body to recover. Everybody wants to take this and that and "boost" and "restart" and all of this other nonsense. Just wait. Keep working out. Keep your diet on track. Retest in a couple of months after you stop taking everything that could affect your hormone levels.

And even that suggestion assumes you did not use Deca, which is still suppressive for a couple of months . . . then you need time to recover after that.

So, time heals all.
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You need to post the actual bloodwork as well as baseline and your pct schedule to get an actual answer on this that isn't shooting in the dark.

With that said, you would have just stopped PCT like two or so weeks ago... It's too early to even get post cycle bloods really. Time thing.
Your t400 was a blend of decanoate and enanthate? Most are and if that's the case deca ester has a retard long half life and explains why you're not recovering