No offense man but when you’re rocking winstrol and anavar, it’s not the 40mg of telmisartan causing the problems here. You’ve now stimulated your bone marrow enough that it isn’t able to keep up with getting enough hemoglobin in each red blood cell hence why you have that additional additional item out of range.
You need to lose weight, like a lot of it. Your existing testosterone level for someone that overweight and who had lost that much weight already really wasn’t bad, you should’ve just kept dropping the weight and your bloodwork would almost assuredly look better.
If you don’t currently use a CPAP I’d bet a house that you have sleep apnea as well at that weight + the anabolics. I’d take @malfeasance’s advice and just drop the T to a completely normal level and just keep losing weight. Steroids aren’t great for health, so haphazardly throwing them around while you’re already not healthy is just a stupid idea. Your body is showing you multiple signals telling you to stop doing this.