I've been thinking lately. But don't get excited it probably won't last for long...
At least not unmonetized this time. And I have been trying and trying to hold my piece/peace... But I am so backed up with years on mental masturbation that I feel like I have to FART.. But could possibly shit myself... But still I share... (just hope its only a fart). Did I tell y'all the story about the morning I got up and my wife was sitting at the kitchen table and I decided while standing over at the microwave that I was going to pull my shorts down, bend over, and blow her hair back?!?! Well I said, "Hey", and by that time I had bent down and lowered my shorts but I did not even think low enough to clear the hole. It was intended to be a veiled threat only and her get the sound effect at best.. She looked over and I hit the gas as hard as I could and lo and behold a stream of liquid shot out of my ass and fired 6 feet over draping down the side of her robe. I mean a solid one inch beam like a hose running in the back yard with the Labradors snapping at it on a hot summer day... L...... O.......... L........... I dont even know how the shot cleared my shorts it was almost like it shot out of my arse with a slight upward beam direction. I'm laughing now so hard just reminiscing.. Her jaw dropped. My Jaw dropped. The dog came over and started licking it up. The kids heard the commotion. Purely accidental and there I was trying to drag the dog away from an apparent gourmet porridge breakfast on the floor while begging her to go hide in the bathroom... I digress... And we are still married. She had it coming believe me...
HINT: SCROLL TO BOTTOM IF YOU WANT THE POINT.... Otherwise enjoy this "snack" for crazy people - LIKE ME...
So anywayzz// Earlier today I was posting in a thread about how esterified steroids potentially disperse around the body, and just how widespread and to what degree could that exogenous testosterone get dispersed throughout body tissue away from the injection site. I think I recall esters are based on long carbon chain molecules which render them "fat soluble" (this means muscle too), and not unlike the PFAS toxins you hear about in pizza boxes that are even longer DOUBLE carbon molecules and potentially speculated to NEVER come out of the body... I honestly dont even recall if there is a difference in a single or double carbon molecule and if either even exist right now honestly. Bla bla...
Over the years, I have discussed my speculation on adipose tissue metabolism as it relates to hormones. As we all know that fat is the primary source of estrogen aromatization in males. And thus the more fat you have the more Estrogen your testosterone injections are likely to generate. The million dollar question being AT WHAT CONDITIONS IS A FAT CELL "ACTIVE"..?? As we know fat is a storage/protection mechanism, as well as a fundamental key to keeping the body from just falling to the floor as a pile of rocks and water. basically..
But what about the adipose tissue version of fat. In which stage is it metabolically active. Both visceral and external..? Does molecular inventory come in and out all the time no different from breathing air.? OR does dietary surplus put put adipose tissue in a state where it can only uptake and retain, OR does dietary shortage create the only scenario where fat become a metabolic player in terms of what it is comprised of thus shedding its components... Or is it the reverse of all of this.? Or do I just not know jack shit? I initially generated this anecdotal and experiential concept based on the question of "what conditions create estrogen aromatization or lack of"? Even if fat "shrinks" or de-hypertropys, can it shed long chain molecules ever? Does this mechanism render us stuck with these toxins. Does the body then have to process it all over again if it does come out? Once and for all? Or do negative contaminants just start circulating wreaking general havoc if they do come back out into circulation... Sooo, Cutting that part short now..
So the longer the carbon chain, the more likely a molecule is to go into tissue, fat tissue specifically for this topic...
ARE LONG CHAIN TOXINS CAUSING THE FATASTROPHY CURRENTLY ENSUING IN THE WESTERN WORLD. And specifically the United States?! Is fat a protection mechanism on levels that we don't fully understand. You could tangent off that is so many way for example is a fatty tumor something the body creates as a protective cache to store and get toxins out of the main stream metabolism? IS BODY FAT BEING STORED AT EXCESSIVE RATES TO COMBAT THE TOXINS WE ARE CURRENTLY BE EXPOSED TO AND VIA FOOD, AIR, WATER, TOUCH, WHATEVER...?????? !
I mean I don't know about you. But I am finding that I can be doing ok in a "diet" and eat just one fast food breakfast sandwich and BOOM +4Lbs registered a day or two later... I think I read somewhere that a McDonalds Hamburger has over 60 ingredients...
Lastly, it's my humble opinion that not only is fat being stored in a manner that seems exceedingly difficult to get off. But I have fasted twice in my existance here on Earth and I am here to tell you that even after dumping over 50 lbs in a months time, THAT THIS FAT REALLY SEEMS TO COME BACK WAAAY TOO EASY...! Is that because those base fat cells that have essentially only "dumped their water content" for technical argument/speculation. IS THAT base adipose tissue foundation that remains still there (and not "dying off") at least partially, or even PRIMARILY because it is still holding some toxins...
For that matter (and I could go ON and ON and ON as you know)
, do these environmental toxins and contaminants actually encourage and speed up the HOLY GRAIL OF TISSUE DEVELOPMENT - AKA - Hyperplasia.. Thus creating a possible, and even, exponential increase in NEW FAT CELL GENERATION VIA GROWTH FACTORS LIKE GH & IGF-1 Etc... etc... etc..... Translated - are we riding a sled on the slipperiest slope to hell with limited avenues off, and almost impossible to protect our unstudied loved ones?!?!

HINT: SCROLL TO BOTTOM IF YOU WANT THE POINT.... Otherwise enjoy this "snack" for crazy people - LIKE ME...
So anywayzz// Earlier today I was posting in a thread about how esterified steroids potentially disperse around the body, and just how widespread and to what degree could that exogenous testosterone get dispersed throughout body tissue away from the injection site. I think I recall esters are based on long carbon chain molecules which render them "fat soluble" (this means muscle too), and not unlike the PFAS toxins you hear about in pizza boxes that are even longer DOUBLE carbon molecules and potentially speculated to NEVER come out of the body... I honestly dont even recall if there is a difference in a single or double carbon molecule and if either even exist right now honestly. Bla bla...
Over the years, I have discussed my speculation on adipose tissue metabolism as it relates to hormones. As we all know that fat is the primary source of estrogen aromatization in males. And thus the more fat you have the more Estrogen your testosterone injections are likely to generate. The million dollar question being AT WHAT CONDITIONS IS A FAT CELL "ACTIVE"..?? As we know fat is a storage/protection mechanism, as well as a fundamental key to keeping the body from just falling to the floor as a pile of rocks and water. basically..

So the longer the carbon chain, the more likely a molecule is to go into tissue, fat tissue specifically for this topic...
ARE LONG CHAIN TOXINS CAUSING THE FATASTROPHY CURRENTLY ENSUING IN THE WESTERN WORLD. And specifically the United States?! Is fat a protection mechanism on levels that we don't fully understand. You could tangent off that is so many way for example is a fatty tumor something the body creates as a protective cache to store and get toxins out of the main stream metabolism? IS BODY FAT BEING STORED AT EXCESSIVE RATES TO COMBAT THE TOXINS WE ARE CURRENTLY BE EXPOSED TO AND VIA FOOD, AIR, WATER, TOUCH, WHATEVER...?????? !
I mean I don't know about you. But I am finding that I can be doing ok in a "diet" and eat just one fast food breakfast sandwich and BOOM +4Lbs registered a day or two later... I think I read somewhere that a McDonalds Hamburger has over 60 ingredients...
Lastly, it's my humble opinion that not only is fat being stored in a manner that seems exceedingly difficult to get off. But I have fasted twice in my existance here on Earth and I am here to tell you that even after dumping over 50 lbs in a months time, THAT THIS FAT REALLY SEEMS TO COME BACK WAAAY TOO EASY...! Is that because those base fat cells that have essentially only "dumped their water content" for technical argument/speculation. IS THAT base adipose tissue foundation that remains still there (and not "dying off") at least partially, or even PRIMARILY because it is still holding some toxins...
For that matter (and I could go ON and ON and ON as you know)

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