Boston Loyds Pregnancy Protocol possible ?


boston loyd stated in his protocol that he wanted to impregnate his wife while he was using steroids.

he said he would take HCG and HMG for it is that really possible?

if so, i would like to use this method.
I was thinking of 1000 i.u HCG and 75 i.u HMG e2d .

what do you say about that?
Best regards
I cruised with a blast in the middle for about 6 months with no HCG. Then I took 250iu EOD for another 4-6 months, then got a sperm test and everything was normal. Maybe it was normal before the HCG too, but either way my sperm count is normal while never coming off as I'm taking 250iu HCG EOD, and no hmg.

I think his protocol is probably for people who want to get fertile as fast as possible.
Perfect , Cause my sperm count is Zero . I am off since 4 month .
now i want to go back on steroids because my head is going crazy. easily lost 70% muscle mass. would like to try that with HCG and HMG while take Steroids and Hope sperm count is More
Perfect , Cause my sperm count is Zero . I am off since 4 month .
now i want to go back on steroids because my head is going crazy. easily lost 70% muscle mass. would like to try that with HCG and HMG while take Steroids and Hope sperm count is More
Well it takes around 3 months to get back to normal with any protocol, so don't expect to be back up to scratch in a few weeks.
Well it takes around 3 months to get back to normal with any protocol, so don't expect to be back up to scratch in a few weeks.
Exactly this, complete spermatogenesis takes roughly 3 months, no matter how much hCG and hMG you blast.
Enough = enough and a lot of those fertility protocols are stupidly high dosed in my opinion.
Exactly this, complete spermatogenesis takes roughly 3 months, no matter how much hCG and hMG you blast.
Enough = enough and a lot of those fertility protocols are stupidly high dosed in my opinion.
Do you think
500 i.u hGC and 75 i.u hMG eod are enough while take a lot of steroids (3-4gr a week)

Thanks a lot
Do you think
500 i.u hGC and 75 i.u hMG eod are enough while take a lot of steroids (3-4gr a week)

Thanks a lot
For most people that should def be plenty. In literature 250 iu hCG eod is enough to keep testes active in most, 500 iu will be more than enough
Im using 75iu 3x week with 1000 iu hcg 3x per week after a 6/7 mounths still got zero sperm on 20 mg test p ed...

Seems that it doens't work for everybody....i looks like my body don t respons on hcg or hmg....even my balls don t get bigger
Im off everthing now for 6 weeks because semen was zero even on hcg/hmg

Im feeling ok but libido is very low and my ballsize seems to change during the week from small to bigger and back small but but not very good...i wait for blood till 3 months ofd
For most people that should def be plenty. In literature 250 iu hCG eod is enough to keep testes active in most, 500 iu will be more than enough
I can't say for the reliability of those cheap Amazon sperm test kits, but I posted a while back ITT about being on gear and bringing myself to a full sperm count, but I forgot to mention that before I started HCG, I used a couple of those cheap tests and they both came up staying I had less thsn the optimal sperm count. 4-6 months later, I don't remember exactly, of me taking only 250iu HCG EOD, my sperm count was back to normal.

This was after blasting and cruising (test only) for about 6 months before testing sperm for the first time.
You guys all get fertil on hcg ?
Did you use test with it?

I.dont understand everyone seems toget semen back in good range on hcg

I try hcg hmg but seems my body dont respons to it
You guys all get fertil on hcg ?
Did you use test with it?

I.dont understand everyone seems toget semen back in good range on hcg

I try hcg hmg but seems my body dont respons to it
Fertility treatment with hCG (+hMG is needed) should restore your fertility disregard being on exogenous testosterone. On the doses you're using your body should respond after some time. Have you ever been fertile to begin with?
Why anyone gives a fuck what a guy who died at age 30 (looking like a 40 year old) from ped abuse says?

Seriously I don't get it.