Bring the collective wisdom!


New Member
Hello I'm happy to have found this forum community. I've been active trying available options for only over a year, but I'm a research nut and information horder. I'm very familiar with garnering information from research papers and Professional journals (I was married to a geneticist and then a renown physician so that what the table talk consisted of.) I'm in my mid 40s so everything is about risk mitigation at this point. We know there are safe ways to attenuate any adverse symptoms of certain products so I'd love to review and sort all the meta data and produce a best practices SOP for as much as possible so I believe this forum will be a great source to discuss, debate, and deliberate as many items of interest as possible. I've seen better threads here than on most forums and there seems to be a collection of true authorities on the subject matter that could make this invaluable to my pursuits. Let's work together to elevate the and inform our community.
Sorry dude. Read the intro. Had to skip all the words over 5 letters cause I'm a poor reader.
But I gather you are just here to read and learn tell others what you know but not participate. Isn't that what Google is for. I'm not shouting you down but most guys here want hands on experience.
You can read the safety data sheet on a Smith machine. Have read all the books on it. But if you have never used one all you are doing is repeating what you have read.
Still not shouting you down but I'm sure you have better things to do than understand the literature of steroids and uses.
Anyhow welcome and it looks like you will be busy.
Enjoy your stay with us. Sit in a comfy chair and read.
Oh I participate and will share my experience on any threads that relate to what I have first hand experience with. Test and HGH I'm confident in my knowledge but I've been looking into insulin and know it can be tricky so I've held off starting what I have until I have my bases covered. Luckily a blood sugar test is always available and easy. Someone needs to come up with a kit to run all your labs at home. Imagine if we had that kind of constant feedback.