Calling all 1.62% testosterone gel users -- how many pumps do you use?

I'm in my mid 40s and I'm on 1.62% testosterone gel. I'm currently taking 3 pumps each day and I think my total T is probably somewhere 250 - 350 ng / dL. I say this because my total T was only 200 ng / dL when I was taking to 2 pumps daily and then I switched to 3 pumps daily and I haven't done any bloodwork since going from 2 pumps daily up to 3 pumps daily.

This amount still seems kind of low. I want to use moar.

Anyone else here use 1.62% gel, also? How many pumps per day do you use and what are your total T levels like?
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depends on how man mg per pump man. imagine around 15mg per pump?

how long after your application of the gel did u get your blood work.. needs a few hrs min..(imagine can look up typical time for serum levels to rise) some folks barely absorb any. also best to use after a hot shower and cover more area.
depends on how man mg per pump man. imagine around 15mg per pump?

how long after your application of the gel did u get your blood work.. needs a few hrs min..(imagine can look up typical time for serum levels to rise) some folks barely absorb any. also best to use after a hot shower and cover more area.
It's 20.25mg per pump

I do bloodwork 2 hours afterward.
Yes do the bloodwork and if your providor want get you to the level you want, find a new one. Easy these days to find a TRT providor
I currently use 3 pumps per day. I'm at 813ng/dl. When I started in February of this year I was at 133ng/dl