Can your balls grow back completely after a 3 year blast and cruise


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Can your balls grow back after a blast and cruise? For 3-5 years.

I love gear but my nuts shrank a lot I'm thinking of coming off of gear so that they can grow back. Is it possible for them to grow back to their old size
Yeah I went on like eight years ago and didn’t go off for about six or so until the virus.

I got really sick and they closed my gym permanently so after a while i decided to go off everything completely to see what would happen. Mostly wanted to see if the 50-60lbs of lean mass I’d added to my body was permanent or if it would just melt away if I stopped gear. So I went off everything for 9 months. Nothing not even a multi vitamin. And yes, my floppy nuts came back.
Got soft and weak but kept the size for most part. The gym wasn’t as much fun for sure.

What was weird for me was not only did my nuts come back but my test levels came back to a normal level. When I went on eight years ago the only reason I ever went on trt was bc they were low.

Why you want big floppy balls anyway? I’ve never heard a girl rave about huge balls. So…who cares?