Canadian Domestic: - Genomex Pharma Labs


Hi all @ Meso,

We are a Canadian source for Genomex Pharma Labs, feel free to check us out and look around our site .

A few things to note:

- We only ship within Canada
- There are no minimum orders
- Tracking number is provided shortly after confirmation of payment
- We will answer any questions you have about anything relevant
- Once you know what products you would like just inform us and we will get you a quote
- We are here forever



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Why did you come to Meso instead of a paid source board?

Is this the first site you have tried to sell on? What other sites are you on?

Why are your products so expensive? $90 for Test Prop?

Do you lab test your products?

How do you know the products is dosed as labeled?

Where do you get your raws from?

How long have you been in business?

Is this brewed in your house?

Can you describe the sanitary practices you use to ensure the sterility of your product?

What equipment do you use in the brewing process?

Why did you come to Meso since it's not a source board?

How come there are no reviews of your products?

How come all Google searches only come up with results from Dec 2015?

You can start with these.
-I don't know of any other paid source boards. If I did I would be on them too. How many other good source boards do you know about?

-Test prop is $80 check it here

-Yes we lab test our products

-Number one way for us to make sure our products are dosed well is by collecting as much feedback from customers and anyone that is using our products. We use our products too.

-Genomex Pharma is our supplier, the people who run this site do not make the products.
We get the products directly from Genomex. Genomex has been around for a while now and has a very good reputation for producing consistently high quality gear. The production of our products is a separate operation and is done in a lab by chemists.

-We have reviews on MuscleGurus. We have a client base. We are still working on getting onto Eroids.

-We came to meso to introduce our source to the world. It doesn't have to be a source board we can talk about anything relevant.

-Our clientele didn't start out on the internet. We have been around a lot longer than search engine results show.
I had someone PM bout trying this brand
In all honestly looks like a medistar cover up the viels the jars an labels
-I don't know of any other paid source boards. If I did I would be on them too. How many other good source boards do you know about?

-Test prop is $80 check it here

-Yes we lab test our products

-Number one way for us to make sure our products are dosed well is by collecting as much feedback from customers and anyone that is using our products. We use our products too.

-Genomex Pharma is our supplier, the people who run this site do not make the products.
We get the products directly from Genomex. Genomex has been around for a while now and has a very good reputation for producing consistently high quality gear. The production of our products is a separate operation and is done in a lab by chemists.

-We have reviews on MuscleGurus. We have a client base. We are still working on getting onto Eroids.

-We came to meso to introduce our source to the world. It doesn't have to be a source board we can talk about anything relevant.

-Our clientele didn't start out on the internet. We have been around a lot longer than search engine results show.

Lab test? What kind?