Carderine from Pharmaqo


New Member
Never taken this stuff before but started to take it to help with my lipids and get back in to cardio. I can tell you for 2 weeks I have seen zero change in my ability to run longer or further. I will be getting a lipid panel prob next week. I started tren last week (3 weeks on cardarine) and my cardio is horrendous. Obviously expected that but thought the cardarine would mitigate it. I do cardio 3 times a week

I ran .83 miles yesterday at 7:30 min mile/pace and had to stop.
I couldn’t breathe for an hour and was hacking a lung. Again with tren expect these results without any additional help for cardio.

From the stuff I read cardarine should significantly increase cardio. In the two weeks I took it prior to tren I didn’t gain anything. When I started I could run about a mile and a half and catch my breathe in 5 mins and run again. I also hadn’t done cardio in a very very long time but this is normal when I pick back up cardio. I’m wondering if this stuff is bunk or cardarine just isn’t what it’s chalked up to be? I’ve had success with other Pharmaqo products and it’s legit Pharmaqo. I know if it’s not stored properly it could degrade the stuff. I take 20mg a day.

Am I expecting to much from this stuff?
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I can't say anything about cardarine, but my short tren adventures made me think it's probably impossible to counteract the killed cardio from tren.

I was swimming 800m with a natty friend and tried not to die from not having any cardio and tren cramps at the same time. It was so sad it was funny..

I think you have to decide between tren and cardio.