Changed Fin Generics, Gyno Much Worse, Raloxifene? Pics


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm going to try to keep this short. Please don't recommend getting off Fin as it alone hasn't caused issues in the past and it's not an option for me, and if you don't have anything helpful to say then please don't, I greatly appreciate it, thanks. I have been on Fin for roughly 10 years now and it never gave me sides. Back in 2013, I tried 8 pills of Avodart over a 4 week period and it gave me slight gyno, tried Clomid to fight it off from my Endo but it didn't help much, never touched Avodart again and just stayed on Fin and things for the most start stabilized. See this thread for before Avodart, three years after Avodart, and my labs Avodart and Gyno - Pictures and Lab Work Attached .

On 9/1 Costco switched the generic brand of Fin I was on and I thought nothing of it, but by 9/15 I was feeling pain and swelling in my nipples with an extremely noticeable difference. T shirts I wore confidently on 9/1 I no longer wanted to wear they showed so much. I know, this sounds absolutely INSANE but it is what happened. I'm in pain and they are way more puffy than they've ever been when wearing golf shirts, etc. I've been back on the old version (which I hope I can get more of) but 15 days later I'm stilling feeling pain in my nipples and they look so much worse. Everything was stable and I just lost 20 pounds over the past three months (down to 160 LBs, keep in mind my pictures from my other thread are 173 LBs) and was feeling great, but now my nipples look much worse than they ever have.

At some point I figured I would have surgery on the slight gyno I had, but I think the less you start with the better the results will be, and since I'm just 20 days into this issue I might be able to help reduce it.

From my research, I see taking 60 mg/day of Raloxifene can really help and I'd like to give that a try. Is it worth a shot...this early in I see why not.

I really need to know, where can I buy this stuff from..I have no idea how to acquire it and want to ensure I get a legit source, can anyone help or provide feedback?

Thank you all for reading
Alright, thank you. Is there a list on here of trusted pharmacies?

Also, is this always given in liquid form that you put in your mouth, or are there also pills you can take? I'm not sure if I can get a script for this in the US from an Endo or if going to an Indian pharmacy is my only option?

Any additional help is greatly greatly appreciated...It's tough to have just lost 20 pounds and be in the best shape of my life, then Costco changes Fin brands and now I'm dealing with this terrible issue. Really so frustrating.
Ah man your a little late!!
This thread just made double up on my arimadex, just cause. :eek: go see a doctor!
It only started two weeks ago, I've always had a small amount (if you see my previous thread linked in the OP) but I can't believe just changing generic brands caused so much pain in my chest and them to start growing again, seems absolutely insane. I want to try to knock it back some if I can...Last time I saw an Endo he gave me clomid and it did nothing so I'm not sure what he would give me now if I go to a doctor, and takes two weeks to get a doctor's appointment.
Check out the Steroid Underground sub forum. There are a few.

Also, go see a doctor ASAP.

Thanks for your reply. When you guys say go see a doctor I assume you mean an Endo and not a plastic surgeon?

What do you think an endo will be able to do? Last go around they didn't help me..can they give me Raloxifene by script? Clomid the last time three years ago didn't work.

Thank you for the replies, good to talk this out an get opinions.
A doctor to get you some tamoxifen asap. Run blood tests etc. can get tamoxifen, Ralox to help you.

European pharmaceuticals or turkishpharmacy. Both carry great serms and deliver. Look in the underground sub forum. Good luck man
A doctor to get you some tamoxifen asap. Run blood tests etc. can get tamoxifen, Ralox to help you.

European pharmaceuticals or turkishpharmacy. Both carry great serms and deliver. Look in the underground sub forum. Good luck man

Ok I will have to call my Endo, next appointment is 10/11 which just simply won't work. If he will give me Nolva, I probably don't need to order anything from overseas pharmacies I feel?

Also curious if Nolva would impact my hair, don't want to do that. Plan to have surgery anyway so would hate to mess up my hair and then correct it with surgery at the end of the day. I just don't want to have surgery until I'm stable as I don't want it coming back.

Do those overseas pharmacies require a prescription? If so, no idea how to get it.

Thanks again for all the help, very new to this.
Ok I will have to call my Endo, next appointment is 10/11 which just simply won't work. If he will give me Nolva, I probably don't need to order anything from overseas pharmacies I feel?

Also curious if Nolva would impact my hair, don't want to do that. Plan to have surgery anyway so would hate to mess up my hair and then correct it with surgery at the end of the day. I just don't want to have surgery until I'm stable as I don't want it coming back.

Do those overseas pharmacies require a prescription? If so, no idea how to get it.

Thanks again for all the help, very new to this.
I don't believe novla would mess with your hair but research it.

Those are sources overseas. They don't give 2 shits about a script. You need to go into their thread and read. You gotta help yourself bro because it's your money and your health.
I don't believe novla would mess with your hair but research it.

Those are sources overseas. They don't give 2 shits about a script. You need to go into their thread and read. You gotta help yourself bro because it's your money and your health.

Yes I agree I need to help myself here..if the Endo could give me Nolva then he could prescribe me Ralox too I would think, which I've read is just a more effective Nolva. I guess I'd take either at this point though. Calling first thing in the morning and begging them to take me in this week.
Yes I agree I need to help myself here..if the Endo could give me Nolva then he could prescribe me Ralox too I would think, which I've read is just a more effective Nolva. I guess I'd take either at this point though. Calling first thing in the morning and begging them to take me in this week.

Good idea. See what they say first.

Nolva doesn't affect the hair, at least i've never read, nor heard anything in that regard.

Go to the home page here (not the forum part) the home page of this site. They have profiles for just about everything, including Nolva.

Keep us updated, please.
Went to the Endo today, same one I saw ~4 years ago. He offered me Nolva but I said I wanted Rolaxifene and he said that was perfectly fine they should do about the same that was easy. 30 60mg tablets with 4 refills. Not sure exactly how I should dose it, seen people do it a little different ways but I just took one pill today. Might do 90mg for a week and then down to 60 or something just to try to help.

He also referred me to a surgeon that he has had multiple patients have success with that I have previously read about as well, so that was nice.

I was going to have a minor surgery at some point anyway, but having a manufacturer change cause such an increase is gyno is really frustrating, it was no fault of my own...but now I guess I really am going to go through with having it. The money isn't an issue, just don't want my chest to look like this!

Thanks for all of the help from everyone.


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