Chest Exercises with bum shoulder


Anyone have any chest exercises that someone can do with an injured shoulder? I have a shoulder injury that's left me unable to to any pressing movements. Dumbbell flys are painful as well. Cables aren't too bad though.

Any suggestions? I've been able to find workarounds for every muscle group except chest.
Anyone have any chest exercises that someone can do with an injured shoulder? I have a shoulder injury that's left me unable to to any pressing movements. Dumbbell flys are painful as well. Cables aren't too bad though.

Any suggestions? I've been able to find workarounds for every muscle group except chest.

Do you know the injury?

A couple weeks rest is better than a couple months down
I have the same issue bud. What i found works for me is i dumbbell fly with my elbows at 90deg.

Fly with a weight comfortable on your shoulder.

Then i do 4 sets of flat flies and 4 sets Incline flies before i do any pressing.

By the time i start to press i only have enough energy left to press a much lighter weight which puts less stress on my shoulder. And the chest spends enough time under tention to grow.

I focus more on light weight supersets on both my chest and shoulders to accommodate a screwed up shoulder.
Do you know the injury?

A couple weeks rest is better than a couple months down
I don't yet unfortunately. It's somewhat recent. Happened about two weeks ago, pushed it on bench a few days later and it got worse. During the day it's mostly fine, just general mild soreness.

When I make any moveme my shoulder doesn't like, generally any pressing or forward movement it's a sharp pain. My guess is tendinitis but really I have no idea. The pain is right at the joint. Feels like something in the connective tissue in my front deltoid.

Self treating it right now with ice rehab exercises and ice.
I have the same issue bud. What i found works for me is i dumbbell fly with my elbows at 90deg.

Fly with a weight comfortable on your shoulder.

Then i do 4 sets of flat flies and 4 sets Incline flies before i do any pressing.

By the time i start to press i only have enough energy left to press a much lighter weight which puts less stress on my shoulder. And the chest spends enough time under tention to grow.

I focus more on light weight supersets on both my chest and shoulders to accommodate a screwed up shoulder.

Depending on the shoulder injury flys could be even worse
Depending on the shoulder injury flys could be even worse
I agree, although a shoulder will let you know very soon if you are doing something he does not like.

Just never "push through the pain" with a shoulder. That can end your training career.

If flies hurt, try high volume, slow, light weight pressing. This fatigues my shoulders and triceps before it does my chest but maybe works for you better.

Or use the cable machine which you say feels better to fatigue the chest before light pressing
Also I 100% agree with you about the rest but you know how it is for guys like us. If I can figure out a way to train around it without making it worse, I'd like to.

If I find its 100% necessary to rest my entire upper body, I will though.
Yeah just a couple of weeks ago. I got it overhead pressing and then it got much worse the next time I benched. I didn't actually feel any pain until i got home the day it happened.
If it's that new i honestly recommend rest. Maybe a few inflation shots from a doctor and physio therapy.

A physiotherapist will tell you when and how. She may even use kinesio tape to force certain muscles and tendons to strengthen.
Elit fts has a bar called the gridiron it is awesome it's a little pricey around 300$ love it my gym has one. I take a lot of the stress off your shoulders cause of the placement of your hands. Shoulder injurys suck and sometime they work out and sometimes they don't. Kudos to your avatar if that's your forearm..
I would try dumbell pressing ,Hammer machines or any machines for that matter.If it hurts don't try to work through the pain.Try something else , and if everything hurts then go see an Orthapedist.I had a torn labrum in the shoulder and Reyes to work around it.Finally saw a doc and found out I needed surgery.No upper body for 6 months.Drove me insane.Good luck muddbutt
Thanks guys. I'm realizing that the location of it is in such a bad position that there's really nothing I can do except rest. No flys or pressing motions at all. It fucking sucks so bad. Even front/back squat are a little aggravating when I try to get tight.

I can pull at least, as long as it's not heavy and arms are no problem.

The hardest part isn't the treatment or rehab exercises it's forcing myself not to push through it.

If thats not an option, then at the very least omit any flys from your routine. If youre bent on doing chest then use the smith machine and tuck your elbows in close to isolate your chest and remove most of your shoulders (front delt will always come into play) from the equation. But rest and perhaps ice will certainly help.
I just saw my doc today for shoulder pain. I thought something was torn but he did some tests and convinced its tendonitis.

He gave me a list of rotater cuff exercises and told me to try that for a few weeks.

I've also heard that the slingshot by Mark Bell helps a lot. I may have to buy one and try it out.
Id say nothing till it heals or you get a handle on whats really going on. Find whatever doesnt hurt our just leave it out and do the other stuff that doesnt hurt. Dont risk hurting yourself.
Id say nothing till it heals or you get a handle on whats really going on. Find whatever doesnt hurt our just leave it out and do the other stuff that doesnt hurt. Dont risk hurting yourself.
Well said. Had my left rotator severely strained (thankfully not torn) a few years back because of some idiot kid who bumped my left arm while I was pressing 110's and lost control of that weight. Laid off the bench and any pressing movement for 4 months to let it heal.
Try the "Truffle Shuffle". If your not familiar with the exercise, Google it and click on videos. There are many video play by plays detailing this highly beneficial move.....lolol just kidding brother. I think I'm dealing with the same thing at the moment. The only chest exercises I can do at the moment are shoulder width and close grip flat or decline bench press. I feel zero pain with those exercises so I just blast my chest with those. If I go wide with my grip and or incline my bench...biiiigggg no no!! And flys of any sort are waaay out of the picture for now. Only been a couple weeks now dealing with it. If it doesn't go away.....doctors and rest it. Sucks but better suck a little now rather than suck for life!! Good luck.