Cjc/ipa spiked my BP and now I don't want to start TRT...


New Member
2 months in on c/jc/ipa 100mg in morning and night and started hitting the gym. Was looking to start test E but my BP spiked hard recently 155/100 and now understand that the most common side effect of GH secretagogues is water retention. About to start taking 4000mg potassium and 400 mg magnesium, an OTC duiretic, dandelions root in addition to losartan HCTZ 100/12.5 to see if that gets the BP down to normal levels 120/80?. Will backing off the cjc/ipa and taking the supplements listed above put me in a spot to consider getting test E within the next week or 2? or is this a several month long process? Current labs:

FSH 3.8
LH 5.1
Free T 64.1
Total T 235
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (Adult) 120.0 *
Z-Score -0.4
Estradiol 21 *
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 41.80 *
Prolactin 7.4 *
BP spiked hard recently 155/100
Bro, I would cut all things until the bp issue is resolved. That’s hypertension stage 2 and will do a number on your heart long term living like that. Is that bp while resting? Are you swollen up with edema? Was your bp normal before you started secretagogues?

I have a hard time believing that this low of a dose is causing you such bad edema that it’s caused your bp to explode so much unless you’re seriously bloated up, rather I’d be worried you’re having a complication with the peptides.
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Why is your diastolic BP so high? That is severe hypothyroidism you are having there unless you are taking some drugs that harden your blood vessels.
Only drugs are the losartan. Peptides are Tirzepatide and no longer the cjc/IPA. Trying to bring down the weight, I'm 6'5, 290, I've always had above average BP but have been battling the hypertension for the last 3 to 4 years.
We'll see how the next few months go of the supplements to reduce the water retention and help out the kidneys. Looks like I won't be on TRT for a while.
I would drop the ghrh and ghrp and see if your bp stabilizes. Those were banned by the fda until further research for being vasodilators that can impact bp, and you might be having that unfortunate negative reaction. I would be incredibly cautious of pushing your body hard while your bp is so high.

I’m no expert on glp1, but I believe tirz should be dramatically lowering your bp. I think you might be experiencing an even more alarming cardiac issue without the tirz.

I know you don’t want to hear this but it is very likely you’re having some sort of negative reaction to either the Cjc no dac or ipamorelin. I would not fuck around with this because your diastolic pressure is wacky high.

Pause with the peps and see if things come back into equilibrium. Do not fuck around with your body like this.
We'll see how the next few months go of the supplements to reduce the water retention and help out the kidneys. Looks like I won't be on TRT for a while.
Throwing a bunch of diuretics and supps are not sufficient here, you need to cut the cic and ipa and see if things normalize a little. Then you can add them back in slowly and heavily track your bp while doing so to see what happens.

Again dude, do not fuck with this, that bp is enough to get you placed on bp meds, which you might honestly want to consider discussing with your doctor.
Yeah, it has scaried me a little (more like a lot). I won't be pushing it until this gets under control. 120/80 range is my new target/focus vs maxing out any gym potential.
Yeah, it has scaried me a little (more like a lot). I won't be pushing it until this gets under control. 120/80 range is my new target/focus vs maxing out any gym potential.
Good man. Your gym potential will be vastly greater with your heart working right and blood pressure normalize. I’m very glad to hear you’re taking this seriously and not adding in further drugs which can negatively impact bp (namely the test). It won’t matter how skinny and buff you get if you’re not around to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
yes, also being SOO BIG its very likely you have higher IGF and taking GH peps ints really needed ATM.

also you may consider lowering or trying differing weight loss program as of course the tirz elevated your heart rate and blood pressure..

also if your prolactin is high and such a big guy and taking GLP wonder how your thyroid is doing?

remember tirz also is hard on your kidneys perhaps partly from elevated BP.

and ya, I wouldn't take TEST as unlikely you have hypogonadism probably just elevated estrogen. ie once you get skinnier will be good to go and if take Test now will likely be a harder battle with watertight/bloating/BP.
yes, also being SOO BIG its very likely you have higher IGF and taking GH peps ints really needed ATM.

also you may consider lowering or trying differing weight loss program as of course the tirz elevated your heart rate and blood pressure..

also if your prolactin is high and such a big guy and taking GLP wonder how your thyroid is doing?

remember tirz also is hard on your kidneys perhaps partly from elevated BP.

and ya, I wouldn't take TEST as unlikely you have hypogonadism probably just elevated estrogen. ie once you get skinnier will be good to go and if take Test now will likely be a harder battle with watertight/bloating/BP.
How is tirz hard on the kidneys? I can see it lowering electrolytes for those who have nausea or other similar sides.
How is tirz hard on the kidneys?
What you gotta keep in mind is that just loosing fat rapidly itself is hard on the kidneys in and of itself. You’re adding another layer of drugs on top of it that also exert pressure on the kidneys. Tirz exerts some pressure on your kidneys as a mechanism of action. I won’t pretend to be an expert but I know kidney issues are one of the severe side effects. I also suspect the gh peptides could be adding more kidney stress if it is bloating you enough to impact bp. I know I piss all the time if I eat bad on gh or gh secretagogues and let myself get bloated. If you’re taking all those diuretics you’ve got even more kidney pressure. I’m not trying to scare you, but explain all the different angles that your kidney could be getting hammered. I had not thought of that until clearheaded said something, but it is worth knowing.

If at the same time you’re stressing your kidneys if you’re also stressing your heart with hypertension stage 2 you could be setting your body up for a real crisis at some point. I mean, the bp alone is honestly where I personally would consider crisis level and take extreme measure to get under control.

I am no pro so I’ll just tell you what I’d do personally. I would cut the gh peps 100.%. I’ve done a shit load of gh peptides, and your dose is likely not doing a whole lot beyond helping with sleep and maybe a little recovery. Cutting it will help you isolate if that’s what is causing issues.

I would also consider stepping back a dose on tirz just to relieve some stress on you overall system. I know this one is a harder suggestion to take because it’s the opposite of your journey, and I don’t expect you to stop, but you have got to get that bp under control or you’re going to find yourself in a tough bind.

Once you figure out what’s causing issues you can return to adding drugs in to amplify your effect.

Get your health under control and your fat loss and muscle gain will be a faster and easier.
How is tirz hard on the kidneys? I can see it lowering electrolytes for those who have nausea or other similar sides.
im not sure exact mechanism but its a side effects of glp. people have had there kidneys effectively shut down, so they give a warning about that now.. unfortunate as soon many people with diabetes have kidney issues already so cant use them..
Diastolic hypertension is a side effect of hypothyroidism. T3 makes blood vessels more elastic and reduces diastolic pressure.
Ahh, I get edema when I let my estrogen get too high and if I’m also not drinking a ton of water.
To combat it, I usually inject a Tren blend, and pop some aromasin or arimidex… then I sleep with a heavy blanket and I wake up with 8 soaked pillows, 3-4 soaked blankets and a few towels from what I was laying on, I do wake up absolutely soaked but the edema and bloating is gone, also helps to take a super hot bath with the heat on or hit a hot tub until you’re dripping sweat for a good 15 mins to quickly drop the water weight. Pop a klonopin usually to lower blood pressure if I’m doing a few days on stims for a fast cut.
I don’t think it’s my thyroid because it always comes back in healthy ranges — guess I’m just overly sensitive to test, I do best at 250 test, 200-250 tren or deca, and nothing else. I’ve ran every compound out there but I can train harder and feel a better rage at the “lower”’dosages. I’ve ran 1000mg Tren with 1000mg Test and gained less than I do at 250mg and 250mg.
I would drop all drugs and get the hypothyroidism in control which means prolactin and diastolic hypertension would normalize. Then try it again.
You can tell he has hypothyroidism how? None of his lab work includes thyroid function, and hypothyroidism would be the least likely to cause high bp. His size, and water retention along with the use of garbage peptides are likely the cultprit. You are simply guessing.
You can tell he has hypothyroidism how? None of his lab work includes thyroid function, and hypothyroidism would be the least likely to cause high bp. His size, and water retention along with the use of garbage peptides are likely the cultprit. You are simply guessing.
We are all guessing here without lab work. Then again he did use GH secretagogues which have a straining effect on the thyroid and require more thyroxine output from the thyroid gland. Water retention or hypernatremia from GH use doesn't raise diastolic(make the blood vessels less elastic) but rather raises your systolic blood pressure by raising blood volume. If your diastolic pressure does go higher then you are likely becoming thyroxine deficient.
Ahh, I get edema when I let my estrogen get too high and if I’m also not drinking a ton of water.
To combat it, I usually inject a Tren blend, and pop some aromasin or arimidex… then I sleep with a heavy blanket and I wake up with 8 soaked pillows, 3-4 soaked blankets and a few towels from what I was laying on, I do wake up absolutely soaked but the edema and bloating is gone, also helps to take a super hot bath with the heat on or hit a hot tub until you’re dripping sweat for a good 15 mins to quickly drop the water weight. Pop a klonopin usually to lower blood pressure if I’m doing a few days on stims for a fast cut.
I don’t think it’s my thyroid because it always comes back in healthy ranges — guess I’m just overly sensitive to test, I do best at 250 test, 200-250 tren or deca, and nothing else. I’ve ran every compound out there but I can train harder and feel a better rage at the “lower”’dosages. I’ve ran 1000mg Tren with 1000mg Test and gained less than I do at 250mg and 250mg.

Unless it was you who said this in other threads, other people have reported the stinking tren night sweats influencing overall fluid balance/edema.

Interesting observations although those night sweats suck imo