Cloudy HGH after reconstitution? is it BUNK?


New Member
Hey everyone, just purchased SOME GENERIC BlueTops for a sponsor here . I added Bac water to one of the vials last night. I gently twisted the vial back and forth to try and dissolve the puck. After an hour it is still cloudy. I put the vial in the fridge last night went to bed and it is still Cloudy ? I am going to try another vial today. Has anyone experienced this. I am hoping this is not bunk HGH . I am going to message the supplier after the second vial is tested.

Any luck with Blue Top generic HGH ??

Is cloudy HGh Bunk ?
I'm feeling a little better now. The second HGH is not cloudy at all . First vial on the right , (the cloudy one). Second vial on the left . Looks pretty clear to me. What do you guys think


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pure dimmer bro ;) either not enough solvent to dissolve OR something else is in there thats not soluble/not hgh. prob still has hgh, I know some folks use generics when cloudy, but thats up to u on your risk tolerance. contact vendor...
Appreciate the response, i don't plan on using the cloudy one . Will see how the others turn out.

is this fairly common with generics ? to have a bad one out of every few kits ? I'm new to the HGH game. I've ran some peptides a few years back but those seamed to dissolve almost instantly . I know HGH can be fragile, and read that this could be a sign of improper storage , rapid heat changes in storage Thru the shipping process, or even expired gear .
Every now and then I underestimate the vacuum in the vial and I remember once the water went in like a laser beam and sliced up that puck like cheap sushi. Wasn't cloudy but maybe something happened to yours while reconstituting it?
GH should never be cloudy even if you inject the water directly on the puck. Nor should one vial in the kit be cloudy and all others clear. I would think that would cause some concerns as to the quality of the product overall.
I've had GH be clear for a day or so after reconstitution then become cloudy. The answer for me was to add more diluent. Just add 50 -100% more bac and you're probably gtg.
Reconstituted another two vials today. Not happy with the results at all . At this point I'd say I got a bunk kit of GH.


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Using it for recovery purposes. At 3 IU pre bed I had to much water retention. Settled on a smidge over 2 iu pre bed and liked that. Not a body builder though. I came to the conclusion that I will use it at 2 - 3 IU in my off season when body weight is less of an issue. For my hobby sports in season body weight needs to be on the low end and I could not find a way to drop the water weight while on. 4 - 5 pounds is a big deal during performance season and the added weight negates the benefits. Off season should be perfect though then drop it 2 weeks out to shed water. Pre bed made my sleep wonderful. Joints felt great and recovery felt sped up. Skin looked good.
When lyophilizing HGH there's a step that may be necessary to have it dissolve clearly instead of milky, which may not make a difference in regards to product quality (I'm being deliberately vague in my phrasing here, please don't pry).

Whether that or something else entirely is the reason for this particular one being cloudy I don't know, but you certainly can't conclude that cloudy = bunk, so get bloodwork or labtesting, Stanford rewards both with store credit iirc.
I took some pics. These are from the tested kit. One pic (vial on top of kit) is with 2/3 ml bac water. Tried to mimic ops pic. Cloudy. The other pic was about 1.5ml bac water and almost completely clear. Tested at 9.75 iu.Screenshot_20230325_163433_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20230325_163105_Gallery.jpg
I think by bunk he means some unwanted crap in there aswell as degraded product/aminos. also because appears random, unless test the cloudy vile doesn't mean much, as next vile that was sent for testing could of been clear. would be interested if jano ever noticed strange peaks with cloudy viles. at any rate, cloudy is not a sign of high quality or QC, by what degree who knows. maybe viles near back of the lypholizer are colder/warmer or faster/slower evaporation, only thing I can think of that would cause random viles to be cloudy and related to the lyophilization process. other than perhaps solids or floaters at start or end of a batch being put into viles.
I took some pics. These are from the tested kit. One pic (vial on top of kit) is with 2/3 ml bac water. Tried to mimic ops pic. Cloudy. The other pic was about 1.5ml bac water and almost completely clear. Tested at 9.75 iu.View attachment 254620View attachment 254621

I can't confirm that. In my cases also some vials got cloudy with 2ml. I really don't now why that happened to only some vials.
Furthermore this also happen to peptides.
apparently may be aggregates making it cloudy, would suspect less/not bioactive although may test as pretty pure hgh does not have the same activity ie technically less IU..

I have hypothesis it may be residuals from solvents used however no proof.

whatever it is, we can be assured if you had pharma hgh that was cloudy pharma company would tell you not to use it.