Combining gh and GHRP&mod


I still have 100mg of GHRP and 50mg of Mod grf. Using it 2:1 I still have 500 injections worth of peptides. I already pinned cheap alibaba 240 IU gh in last 60 days and soon I will have ~500 IU hgh from one of the better generics (medi or omni)

I am interested mostly in healing soft tissue and muscle and counterbalancing effects of AAS not so much about gaining muscle. I am almost 30 year old so natural gh levels are still somewhat okay.

So how would you combine the two class of compounds?

A: 4 IU hgh a day for 2 months, then 16 days Ghrp2 200mcg + Mod grf 100mcg. Repeat until I have no stuff left.

B: 1 pin of GHRP2 200mcg+ Mod grf 100mcg and later 3 IU of hgh.

Or any other recommendations? Taking less or more different schedule?
This has been done it works but is a pain in the ass.
Dont mix the peptited and gh as it will most likely go cloudy and knot up the injection site!
It really depends on your goals training and you day to day schedule!
Just dont eat 30 minutes before and after the peptides for maximum effect.
I would not take it in the morning also as it can leave you light headed and feeling strange and weak .
For me when i liked to be a pin cushion i did gh first thing in the morning
Peptides and gh after training
And peptides and gh before bed got good results but was a pain in the as after a short time.
The simplest would be to take peptides after workout and gh in the morning or night time
It depends how many pins are you wiling to take for that little bit extra benefit.
you can also take the piggyback method.
Pin 1iu hgh and 10min later your ghrp+mod.
makes the peak way more effective.
but as @GuerillaPete already said, ghrp and ghrh are a pain in the ass due to inj interval. Ipa, ghrp-2 or -6 have to be injected every 3 hours for maximum effects, and also in a somewhat fasted state. (no food 2 hours before, 20-30min after).
i think with hexarelin inj interval is a bit higher like ever 4,5 hours but still sucks pinning so often
First trash the peptides and out the money toward GH as peptides are worthless compared to GH. Next, buy some quality GH, preferably pharma if you can afford it, otherwise go with one of the proven generics and stay away from alibaba.
First trash the peptides and out the money toward GH as peptides are worthless compared to GH. Next, buy some quality GH, preferably pharma if you can afford it, otherwise go with one of the proven generics and stay away from alibaba.
I’m just curious if you’ve ever used Alibaba gh?

Does everyone want to know a secret? :)
All generics are alibaba gh they’ve just passed greedy meat head fingers and taxed :)
You probably correct..I don't have actual proof..but there's only so many Chinese factories that it's all coming from.. maybe there's hand picked batches or maybe a certain source has a contract where his batches are done differently but it's all same stuff different quality/batches has been what I've put together.. very similar to the raws.. alibaba ppl do and the rest and some.or all domestic guys most of it comes from.same China factories.. maybe certain guys can hand pick better quality.or maybe 1 faxhas better qc then another ..but it's all some what relative.. not all but alot/most
Any chance Anke Bio , gensci , genheal or what the heck they called are selling some for others “trough the back door” for re labeling and selling on the black market?
Me personally im a feels guy and most generics feel like there 3 kinds.
Ones that dont do shit.
Ones that help me sleep clear my skin a little and make me more calm in general.
And the third kind that give pump more full muscles and fragmented sleep.
So yeah thats like two categories that do something but not much difference between them.
But the tests differ on them some have dimmer others dont
Some are more pure but that could be just from storage i guess.
Did people test the alibaba one's ?
Any chance Anke Bio , gensci , genheal or what the heck they called are selling some for others “trough the back door” for re labeling and selling on the black market?
Me personally im a feels guy and most generics feel like there 3 kinds.
Ones that dont do shit.
Ones that help me sleep clear my skin a little and make me more calm in general.
And the third kind that give pump more full muscles and fragmented sleep.
So yeah thats like two categories that do something but not much difference between them.
But the tests differ on them some have dimmer others dont
Some are more pure but that could be just from storage i guess.
Did people test the alibaba one's ?
I’d like to, there’s a French meso group that sells the a popular alibaba brands 100iu kit testing