I’ll ignore the part about you being only 4 weeks back into the gym after a hiatus. Chances are you’d ignore me anyway and I’d rather present you with a better cycle alternative and the reasoning why.
Generally, I like clients to choose a single goal for the cycle or our time together- cut or bulk. Trying to play the middle road here usually ends up with you looking more or less the same year after year. You’ll have a propensity to recomp to a degree already given your time out of the gym so let’s label this cycle a “lean bulk” with the goal being lean tissue accrual and minimal fat gain. I’m assuming now that you’re back to training, your nutrition is also being taken into account and is now better than it was prior…right
Ditch the Dbol from the start. If you really want to run an oral, save it for the tail end as a card you play to further progression or break a plateau. Running it from the start means you already blew your load and now your ceiling for growth has been limited.
If you’re inpatient and don’t mind pinning EOD or mon/wed/fri, I would run a short acting test and a short acting nandrolone. I get wanting to fill that instant gratification void with dbol from the start, but something like Test P and NPP would be in your system and working 3 weeks in and get better from there. I would run test P and NPP for 10-12 weeks. Assuming no apparent sides, I would wait to get bloods at week 7 or 8 to see health markers. If everything looks in range and you feel good, then add in your oral of choice to end your cycle with a bang.
The other 2 options would require less frequent pinning but would take longer to get to work and would be longer in total duration. That would be Test E/C in conjunction with either Deca again or EQ. Your pinning schedule would be bi weekly; I like Monday/Thursday. Either of these longer options would be 14-16 week minimum. I would get bloods drawn at the 10-12 week mark (again assuming no outlandish side effects) and assess the inclusion of an oral then.
I’m not a huge fan of recommending specific dosages to someone that hasn’t completed an intake form of some kind but in general I like my test and nandrolone to be a 1:1 ratio and I like my EQ at a minimum of 600mg regardless of test dose.
Just remember, you’ll rebound quickly on even the smallest amount of PED’s if it’s been a year since you’ve touched a weight. Muscle memory is no joke. Enjoy the second wind of noobie gains and capitalize on this time in the gym and kitchen.